Vol. 16 No. 2 (2019): (May - August) Special number - V Congreso Internacional de Salud Integral
(May - August) Special number - V Congreso Internacional de Salud Integral
V Congreso Internacional de Salud Integral, experiencias significativas en Atención Primaria en Salud.

Articles of scientific and technological research

Edna Gómez-Bustamante, Zuleima Cogollo-Milanés, Edwin Herazo, Carmen Caballero-Domínguez, Adalberto Campo-Arias
1 -9
Dimensional and internal structure of the Zung’ self-rating depression scale in urban recyclable waste pickers
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Zuleima Cogollo-Milanés, Edna Gómez-Bustamante, Edwin Herazo, Margarita Montoya-Hernández, Adalberto Campo-Arias
10 - 18
Relationship between ethno-racial self-recognition, experiences of discrimination and problematic alcohol consumption among urban recyclable waste pickers
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Jhoselys Palomino-Blanquicett, Edna Gómez-Bustamante, Irma Castillo-De Ávila
19 - 28
Family determinants of vaccination coverage in children under 5 years of age. Rural area, Cartagena.
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Irma Yolanda Castillo-Ávila, Cristina Elena Bohórquez-Moreno, Ladini Sunanda Hernández-Bello
20 - 30
Socio-sanitary variables associated with the adequate use of cervico-uterine citology in women of the rural area-Cartagena
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Patricia Lapeira-Panneflex, Diana Acosta-Salazar, Edna Osorio
41 - 49
Influence of family dynamics in the care of adolescent gestants in a community of Santa Marta – Colombia
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Edna Osorio-Duran, Patricia Lapeira-Panneflex, Diana Acosta-Salazar
50 - 62
Caring for the relative of the critically ill patient from Callista Roy's theory
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Edna Osorio-Duran, Patricia Lapeira-Panneflex, Diana Acosta-Salazar
63 - 73
Learning styles of nursing students in the subject Morphophysiology I, in a public university of Santa Marta
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Giomar Herrera-Amaya, Fred Manrique-Abril
74 - 86
Nursing job satisfaction. Differences of areas in primary health care and intensive care
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Carmelina Paba-Barbosa, Zuany Paba-Argorte, Virginia Barrero-Toncel
87 - 102
Relationship between reading comprehension and cognitive flexibility in students of a public university
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Maria Bequis-Lacera, Yolanda Muñoz-Hernández, Diana Pardo-Camacho, Pamela Angulo-Cervantes, Ana Blanco-Alvarado, Angie Castro-Romero, Daniela Conde-Villamizar, Juan Corzo-Quintero
103 - 123
Family stigma perceived by primary caregivers of people with mental illness
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Héctor De La Torre-Hasbum, Guillermo Trout-Guardiola
124 - 133
Prevalence of hypertension in patients resident in the city of Santa Marta (Colombia), seen at the Fernando Troconis University Hospital
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Monica Reyes-Rojas, Evelyn Flórez-Enciso, Lisset Coronel-Brochero, Ana Cadena-Wilches
134 - 145
Caregiver burden, quality of life and well-being in caregiver´s child with disabilities in two regions of Colombia
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Mónica Reyes-Rojas, Yuly Jaimes-Puentes, Ángela Patricia Bravo-Suarez
149 - 158
Beyond the school environment: relation between children well-being and family well-being
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Lina Fernanda Barrera-Sánchez, Juan Manuel Ospina-Díaz
161 - 172
Nursing interventions to preventing nutritional disorders in children less than two years age
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Elda Cerchiaro-Ceballos, Heilen Vargas-Romero, Rafael Barras-Rodríguez
172 - 185
Results of an educational programmes for the formation of teachers of the early childhood
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Diana Acosta-Salazar, Patricia Lapeira-Panneflex, Tatiana González-Noguera
186 - 193
Nursing care in the mental health of children from 5 to 14 years old, Santa Marta – Colombia
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Mirith Vásquez-Munive, Ángela Romero-Cárdenas, Ángela Romero-Cárdenas, Alexander Salazar-Ceballos
194 - 205
Impact of the IMCD strategy in the prevalence of breastfeeding
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Mirith Vásquez Munive, Ángela Romero-Cárdenas
206 - 214
Combinar parentalidad y estudios universitarios, un reto altamente significativo
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Alexandra García-Rueda, Steffanny Angarita-Corzo, Lina León-Carpintero, Yomairis Martínez-Poveda
215 - 225
Play: educational nursing strategy to stimulation of children’s development
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Carolina Cortina-Navarro, Lidice Alvarez-Miño, Ali Antonio Ariza-Álvarez, Yanina Kasandra Díaz-Ortega
226 - 238
Evaluation of the Healthy School program in some public schools in Santa Marta, 2017
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Kattia Cabas-Hoyos, María Cabas-Manjarrés, Nadia De La Espriella, Nuyed Germán-Ayala, Loreina Martínez-Burgos, Ilse Villamil-Benítez, Alicia Uribe-Urzola
239 - 250
Relationship between anxiety and coping in the youngest students in a university of the Colombian Caribbean
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Edna Gómez-Bustamante, Cristina Bohórquez-Moreno, Zuleima Cogollo-Milanes
251 - 258
Conditions of work in waste pickers of the city of Cartagena, Colombia
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Edgar Bresó-Esteves, Lilibeth Pedraza-Álvarez, Kethy Pérez-Correa
259 - 269
Burnout syndrome and anxiety in medical city of Santa Marta
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Amparo Montalvo-Prieto, Cristina Bohórquez-Moreno, Arleth Herrera-Lian
270 - 279
Validation and cultural adaptation of the argentine version scale of palliative care to Colombia
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María Bequis-Lacera, Yolanda Muñoz-Hernández, Olga Duque-Rojas, Andrea Guzmán-Quintero, Angélica Numpaque-Molina, Alysson Rojas-González, Claudia Rodríguez-García
280 - 292
Overload and quality of life of the caregiver of a patient with schizophrenia
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Rossana López-Sáleme, Maria Katherine Covilla-Pedrozo, Natalia Isabel Morelo-Castro, Lesith Paola Morelos-Gaviria
293 - 306
Cultural and social factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in San Basilio de Palenque
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Wilson Miguel Salas-Picón, Kethy Luz Pérez-Correa, John Harold Vásquez-Campos, María Catalina Echeverri-Londoño, Julio Cesar Moreno-Correa
307 - 318
Psychological well-being of the survivors of the armed conflict: an edge of mental health
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Farid Leonardo Rodríguez-Pacheco, María Paola Jiménez-Villamizar, Lilibeth Patricia Pedraza-Álvarez
319 - 331
Effects of climate change on the health of the Colombian population
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Wendy-Tatiana Cervantes-Perea, Eliú Fajardo-Castillo, Ubaldo-Enrique Rodríguez-de Ávila
332 - 344
Resilience, anxiety, poverty and depression in children of two cities of Colombia
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Regina Cogollo-Jiménez, Concepción Amador-Ahumada, Marilyn Villadiego-Chamorro
345 - 355
Caring for the health of the family
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Carmelina Paba–Barbosa, Karen Parejo–Zabarain, Kenia Munera–Luque, Kelly Obispo-Salazar
356 - 369
Ethical dilemmas in the professional exercise of psychologists graduated from a public university of Colombia
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Luis-Armando Vila-Sierra, Larissa Paola Orozco-Morales
370 - 382
Style of life and health: Community Hare Krishna of Santa Marta - Colombia
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Luis-Armando Vila-Sierra, Silena-Sofia Candelario-Guette
383 - 394
Anxiety, fear and behavior in odontopediatria using Brix3000 and rotary method for removal of caries
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Ubaldo Rodríguez-De Ávila, Isaac Campos-Braga, Carmelina Paba-Barbosa, Mario André Leocadio-Miguel, John Fontanelle-Araujo
395 - 402
The Variability of Heart Rate (HRV) as an Objective Measurement of Sustained Attention in the Classroom
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