Prevalence of voice disorders in teachers Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia 2017-2018

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Francisco Revollo-Zúñiga
Javier Hernández-Blanco
Alexander Salazar-Ceballos
Andrea Davila-Cueto


A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to determine the prevalence of voice disorders and associated risk factors in teachers at the Universidad del Magdalena (Colombia) 2017-2018. 263 teachers were included, and data on sex, age, socioeconomic stratum, academic program, years of teaching work, number of class hours, number of students per classroom, use of amplification, frequency of liquor intake, smoking, medical diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux, and the Voice Disability Index 10 (VHI 10) were collected. Teachers with scores greater than or equal to 11 were valued in consultation with Nasofibrolaringoscopy. It was observed that 20% of teachers presented a vocal disability with a score of VHI 10 greater than or equal to 11. In the analyses there was statistically significant association between vocal disability and medical reflux diagnosis. We evaluated 28 professors with Nasofibrolaringoscopy, it was determined that about 54% (15/28) presented supraglottic activity and phonation with vocal false cords. Teachers are a group of people with an index of alterations of the voice greater than the general population and require special training and specific in their conservation. Independent of the particular conditions of the teaching activity, gastroesophageal reflux disease showed to be associated with vocal incapacity.


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How to Cite
Revollo-Zúñiga, F. ., Hernández-Blanco, J. ., Salazar-Ceballos, A. ., & Davila-Cueto, A. . (2020). Prevalence of voice disorders in teachers Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia 2017-2018. Duazary, 17(2), 1–9.
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