Maxillary sinusitis of dental origin: A case with resolution

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Eliana Cristina Suaza-Ortiz
Jaime Enrique Plazas-Román
Antonio Díaz-Caballero


This clinical case addressed maxillary sinusitis of dental origin, highlighting the collaboration between dentists and otolaryngologists. The patient experienced pain in area 26 and was diagnosed with chronic apical periodontitis and maxillary sinusitis through radiographic images. The treatment involved extracting the affected tooth using a laser, allograft, and membranes, followed by a guided implantology in area 26. Multidisciplinary collaboration was crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment. Although maxillary sinusitis of dental origin is often diagnosed late in dentistry, a comprehensive approach alleviated symptoms and restored masticatory function and aesthetics for the patient.


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How to Cite
Suaza-Ortiz, E. C., Plazas-Román, J. E., & Díaz-Caballero, A. (2024). Maxillary sinusitis of dental origin: A case with resolution. Duazary, 21(1), 69–76.
Clinical report


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