Published: 2015-07-22

Playful strategies that increase the knowledge of students on gingivitis

Melissa Katherine Sánchez-Peña, Kelly Johana Sánchez-Delgado, Alexandra Agudelo-Ramírez

100 - 111

Prevalence and associated factors to tadalafil consumption in colombian college students during first semester of 2013

Javier Martínez-Torres, Ingrid Katherine Duarte-Corredor, Gaby Johanna García-Vásquez, Gissely Dimarhy Jáuregui-Rodríguez

118 - 124

Quality of life and treatment adherence in Parkinson’s disease patients

Sara Mínguez-Mínguez, Susana García-Muñozguren, Julián Solís-García del Pozo, Joaquín Jordán

133 - 139

Ebola virus disease. Short history, long impact

Mª Teófila Vicente-Herrero, Ángel Arturo López-González, Mª Victoria Ramírez-Iñiguez de la Torre, Luisa M. Capdevila-García, Jesús Terradillos-García, Encarna Aguilar-Jiménez

174 - 181

Images of ameloblastoma: from radiography to tomography

Raúl Herrera-Mujica, Andrés Agurto-Huerta, León Palti-Menéndez, Yazmín Pariamachi-Polino

182 - 186