Validation and cultural adaptation of the argentine version scale of palliative care to Colombia

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Amparo Montalvo-Prieto
Cristina Bohórquez-Moreno
Arleth Herrera-Lian


To validate and culturally adapt the Argentine version of Palliative Care Scale to Colombia. Prospective study of validation of the Scale of Palliative Care (SPC), questionnaire that has two versions, a diligence for the patient or family and another for the health professional. Exploratory factorial analysis was carried out: by means of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's Sphericity test, for the content validity, Cronbach's alpha was determined, values ≥ 0.75 were considered as high consistency; Reliability for stability is evaluated by applying the Rho spearman index in test-retest, comparing two applications with a difference of 4 days. Analyzes were performed with the SPSS V.24.SPC showed a good acceptance for both, patients and health professionals, Cronbach's Alpha coefficients was 0.775 for health professionals and 0.777 for patients respectively, the rho coefficient of spearman of -0.076 (0,478) for health professionals, and of 0.508 (p=0.000) for the questionnaire of the patients. SPC becomes a valuable tool in Colombia to measure the results of palliative care, which makes it an important input for health professionals who work with chronic patients.


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How to Cite
Montalvo-Prieto, A., Bohórquez-Moreno, C., & Herrera-Lian, A. (2019). Validation and cultural adaptation of the argentine version scale of palliative care to Colombia. Duazary, 16(2), 270–279.
Articles of scientific and technological research


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