The instability of our present: on the work of Germán Carrillo

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Enrique Fernández Vilas


Tony Judt warned that “the past was neither as good nor as bad as we imagine: it was just different. If we tell ourselves nostalgic stories, we will never address the problems we face in the present, and the same is true if we prefer to believe that our world is better in every way” (2011, p. 51). Studying contemporary societies within the capitalist framework requires an exercise in historical revisionism and anthropological self-criticism. This process ultimately reveals the fallacies of single-minded thinking in all its complexity, exposing its structural and socio-historical weaknesses.


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Fernández Vilas, E. (2024). The instability of our present: on the work of Germán Carrillo. Jangwa Pana, 23(3). Retrieved from
Literature review


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