Inalienability as the foundation of freedom and Indigenous right to veto. Intercultural translation in Ecuadorian and Colombian Constitutions

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Isabela Figueroa


The notion of inalienability applied to indigenous lands in the Ecuadoran and Colombian Constitutions is an intercultural contact zone that allows the method of translation proposed by Santos, as well a cultural mistake to be explored according to Viveiros de Castro’s perspectivism.  It affords communication between Indigenous land tenure systems and the liberal private property regime.  Despite being created to eliminate the Indigenous land and traditional tenure, inalienability rules worked as a tool for protecting it, for which their constitucionalization was claimed by the indigenous movements in Ecuador and Colombia.  The Constituent Assemblies were the proper place to start intercultural dialogues in the field of what we call Law, however they preserved power asymmetries as they maintain the liberal legal frame.  Departing from an intercultural translation exercise in the field of Law, this article defends the Indigenous right to veto and proposes imagining an intercultural negotiation frame where Law can be seeing as a wide system of communication.


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Figueroa, I. (2022). Inalienability as the foundation of freedom and Indigenous right to veto. Intercultural translation in Ecuadorian and Colombian Constitutions. Jangwa Pana, 21(1), 64–77.
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