Historical cartography as a source for the study of the maritime cultural landscape of the Bay of Cádiz. An analytical and methodological proposal

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María Soledad Gómez-Muñoz


In this research is proposed a method of study based on the information provided by the historical cartography in the area of the Bay of Cádiz (Spain), which is established on the study of maritime cultures from a holistic approach based on the concept of maritime cultural landscape formulated for the first time by Christer Westerdahl. This method has allowed us to study the evolution of each factor that make up the maritime landscape of the Bay, such as the physical-natural component of the landscape, as well as elements directly linked to the development of human activities in the maritime field, or elements that highlight the characteristic idiosyncrasy of a coastal community. The cartography, progressively, has been established as one of the sources of documentation of great importance for studies of such characteristics, while these conditioned, with an interdisciplinary and integrating perspective with the objective of knowing in all the points of view of the relation between man and  sea.


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Gómez-Muñoz, M. S. . (2019). Historical cartography as a source for the study of the maritime cultural landscape of the Bay of Cádiz. An analytical and methodological proposal. Jangwa Pana, 18(2), 256–276. https://doi.org/10.21676/16574923.2926
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