Two or three things I would like to know about the anthropology of fitness

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William Andrés Martínez-Dueñas


This time I took the audacity to suggest to our potential authors and readers an issue that I consider relevant in what we call popular culture studies. As announced in the title, the theme revolves around the notion of fitness. I say notion that reference to the concept very well developed in the natural sciences, but the appropriation of it polisémica around practices and contemporary representations of the body, associated with techno-scientific ideas of health and fitness is not done.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Dueñas, W. A. (2016). Two or three things I would like to know about the anthropology of fitness. Jangwa Pana, 15(1), 09–12.
Author Biography

William Andrés Martínez-Dueñas, Universidad del Magdalena

Ph.D Antropólogo. Docente de planta de la Universidad del Magdalena. Editor Revista Jangwa Pana