Plants of Santa Marta with possible antimicrobial biological activity

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Víctor Macías-Villamizar
Roxana González-Ascanio


The use that man has given to natural products is diverse, among them eradicating multiple infectious diseases; such as those caused, for example, by Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Staphylococcus aureus (resistant to antibiotics); that produce aggressive aggressiveness; especially in septicemia; for this reason, the World Health Organization proposes phytochemistry as an alternative in the search for antimicrobials (antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral); and it is in this sense that we raise the importance of the article in the area of ​​health by the multiple applications in the antimicrobial field, supported by the results of various bioassays; becoming an alternative for the investigation of new phytopharmacological compounds.


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Macías-Villamizar, V. ., & González-Ascanio, R. . (2019). Plants of Santa Marta with possible antimicrobial biological activity. Duazary, 16(2), 414–439.


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