Style of life and health: Community Hare Krishna of Santa Marta - Colombia

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Luis-Armando Vila-Sierra
Larissa Paola Orozco-Morales


Hare Krishna are a group of people voluntarily gathered with the intention of leading a pure life and awakening the love for spirituality as their main purpose of life. The aim of this research is to describe and interpret the lifestyle of the Hare Krishna community and their vision for health. The ethnographic research was conducted in the second quarter of 2016, through observation and interviews with community members, a direct intervention was carried out, sharing with the community their daily activities, their food and their spiritual beliefs. For members of the community to find Krishna consciousness was their destiny, Krishna comes into their lives to fill their being fully. Changing their way of life was for them an act of surrender to the spiritual life, a renunciation of the material world and everything that could represent harm to their lives. Members of the Hare Krishna community feel that their lifestyle reflects superiority or a higher level within society. They believe that the principles that govern them are those that God in creating life wanted all his children to follow.


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How to Cite
Vila-Sierra, L.-A. ., & Orozco-Morales, L. P. . (2019). Style of life and health: Community Hare Krishna of Santa Marta - Colombia. Duazary, 16(2), 370–382.
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