Resilience, anxiety, poverty and depression in children of two cities of Colombia

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Wendy-Tatiana Cervantes-Perea
Eliú Fajardo-Castillo
Ubaldo-Enrique Rodríguez-de Ávila


The objective of the study was to verify if Resilience and Anxiety differ from the cultural context in children in situations of poverty and depression. Two secondary education institutions participated in two marginal zones of two cities of the Colombian Caribbean (Santa Marta and Cartagena). Sampling was intentional non-probabilistic, transverse. The sample consisted of 73 students, between 10 and 12 years of age (22 women and 51 men), all with symptoms of depression, 36 students from Santa Marta and 37 students from Cartagena. The distribution was 73% of high resilience, 25% of moderate resilience and 1.4% of low resilience. 47% were at risk of anxiety and 53% were not at risk. The Chi-square, weighted for Depression, with significance less than 0.05, verified the alternative hypothesis: Resilience and Anxiety differ from the cultural context in children in situations of poverty and depression.


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Cervantes-Perea, W.-T. ., Fajardo-Castillo, E. ., & Rodríguez-de Ávila, U.-E. . (2019). Resilience, anxiety, poverty and depression in children of two cities of Colombia. Duazary, 16(2), 332–344.
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