Results of an educational programmes for the formation of teachers of the early childhood

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Elda Cerchiaro-Ceballos
Heilen Vargas-Romero
Rafael Barras-Rodríguez


The results presented are from a continuous training program directed towards early childhood teachers in Santa Marta, whose fundamental purpose was to cause changes in the educational practices of the teachers for the benefit of the children’s development. The program was designed in a period of six months, with the participation of 60 teachers from 8 different educational institution directed by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF in Spanish), benefiting approximately 1,370 kids with ages between 6 months and 5 years. Supported in a model of action-investigation, we realized conceptual and methodological revision formative workshops for working with kids these ages, followed by the planning and implementation of ludical activities in each school. All this with the permanent escort of the investigators’ team before and during the activity, which was filmed. As a result, important changes in the educational practices of the teachers, in relation with less frequent restrictive and directed education settings, along with a reduction in the group activities with the children. This implies a modification in the level of pedagogical intervention of the teachers, which brings along a change in the children’s participation.


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How to Cite
Cerchiaro-Ceballos, E. ., Vargas-Romero, H. ., & Barras-Rodríguez, R. . (2019). Results of an educational programmes for the formation of teachers of the early childhood. Duazary, 16(2), 172–185.
Articles of scientific and technological research


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