Protective actions of health in the care of patients in peritoneal dialysis

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Haidy Rocio Oviedo-Cordoba
Aní Josefina Evies-Ojeda


Caring for oneself has been considered as a fundamental part of human care, the studies carried out so far have allowed us to investigate, from a hermeneutical exercise, the ontological vision in which caring for oneself means knowing oneself, training oneself and surpassing oneself. To build care for oneself from the perspective of patients on peritoneal dialysis, the qualitative approach was chosen to give meaning to something that from the human experience has an essence. Under a phenomenological approach, using the Spiegelberg method which offers a systematic method to better understand the different approaches to the study of self-care. The informants were selected by people with Chronic Kidney Disease in renal replacement therapy of Peritoneal Dialysis, who freely from their subjectivity and perspectives provided the necessary information for self-interpretation of care, after obtaining informed consent. The social actors interviewed were 6 patients who attended their monthly consultation in the Renal clinic. In the matrix of analysis in a preliminary way it has been possible to reveal that among the attributes of taking care of if they are: the protective actions of health.


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How to Cite
Oviedo-Cordoba, H. R., & Evies-Ojeda, A. J. (2018). Protective actions of health in the care of patients in peritoneal dialysis. Duazary, 15(3), 18–29.
Articles of scientific and technological research


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