Informes de suicidio en medios de comunicación en el estado de Magdalena, Colombia

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Adalberto Campo-Arias
Edwin Herazo


In 2016 and 2017, the suicide rate in Colombia went up from 5.20 to 5.72, respectively. The same trend was observed for the State of Magdalena for the same period with an increase in the rates that went from 3.37 in 2016 and 4.27 per one hundred thousand inhabitants in 20171,2. The suicide rate in the State of Magdalena occupies third place among the departments of the Colombian Caribbean region1


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Cómo citar
Campo-Arias, A. ., & Herazo, E. . (2020). Informes de suicidio en medios de comunicación en el estado de Magdalena, Colombia. Duazary, 17(1), 1–2.


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