Multispecies ethnography: theory, techniques and current challenges

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Juan David Arias Henao
Denisse Roca-Servat


We live in a crisis of multiple dimensions that jeopardizes not only the continuity of human life but also its interrelation with other species. This situation demands experimenting with theoretical tools and methodological approaches that allow us to rethink the human-nature relationship. One of these innovative tools is Multispecies Ethnography, which has been the subject of various studies for just over a decade, most of them in the Anglo-Saxon academia, and to a lesser extent in Latin America. Based on an analysis of academic literature, this paper aims to identify its techniques and theoretical aspects, while also highlighting its current challenges. One of the main findings is that ethnography has been primarily designed to investigate humans; however, the inclusion of animals, plants, microorganisms, and some biotechnological devices in the foreground of multispecies ethnographies is sparking new debates about the importance of reconsidering what is referred to as "humanity" and "nature." Similarly, while there is an increasingly robust multispecies theoretical and conceptual framework, there is still room for further exploration of new methodological approaches.


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Arias Henao, J. D., & Roca-Servat, D. . (2024). Multispecies ethnography: theory, techniques and current challenges. Jangwa Pana, 23(1), 1–15.
Dossier: Etnografías I (part 1)


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