Pedagogies to accompany memories and make peace. Stories from the La Paz campus of the National University of Colombia

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Lucía Eufemia Meneses Lucumí
Andres Alejandro Vargas Rubio


This paper presents the results of a pedagogical experience that had the purpose of reflecting on the teaching logbooks built in the optional-disciplinary subjects Management of Memory Spaces and Culture of Peace, of the Cultural and Communicative Management program, during the period 2022-1. These proposals were developed from the pedagogical model - under construction and permanent reflection of the Network of Classrooms-Laboratory of Pedagogical Innovation of the National University of Colombia, La Paz Campus. The methodological criterion consisted of jointly planning the subject programs, executing them and documenting them through the log and allowing the error to emerge as soon as possible in their execution to evaluate and adjust throughout the module. Subsequently, a detailed analysis of the logbooks and their annexes was carried out. In this way, this document emerges as a testimony of the intention and the first results of the institutional presence in the region. The analysis started from the following premise: the pedagogies for memories and peace are still in the process of construction and, therefore, the ways of materializing them are diverse to the extent that they integrate particular knowledge, wills, interests and experiences. From there, the pedagogical proposal for the aforementioned subjects was structured thinking about theoretical approaches that included memory and peace with the closest references for understanding the reality of the conflict, the actors, the history and the territory of the department of the Cesar and the Caribbean. As a result, the visibility and self-recognition of the life trajectories of the students as direct and indirect victims of the Colombian armed conflict and the timid beginning of a post-conflict stage are highlighted, weaving deep meanings from their professional training and from their memories. experiences and future projects, in the face of regional reconciliation.


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How to Cite
Meneses Lucumí, L. E. ., & Vargas Rubio, A. A. (2024). Pedagogies to accompany memories and make peace. Stories from the La Paz campus of the National University of Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 23(2), 1–17.
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