Games, video games and arts: history, concepts and redefinitions in the relationship between playful universes and contemporary artistic practices

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Laura Palavecino


This reflection article addresses an overview of the relationship between games, video games and art from a perspective that articulates the recent historical context, the experimentation with different types of images, materials and subjects, and the technical transformations that have caused video games to become powerful means of creative expression. Although today play is considered a fundamental activity in the development of civilization, historically its study has not had a great place in humanities and art history until the twentieth century. The aim of this article is to arouse curiosity about games as powerful means of creative expression that unfold different configurations, production strategies, visual styles, forms of participation and types of audience. The present work articulates reflections that arise from the reading of bibliography coming mainly from referents in the field of the academic study of the game and the analysis of case studies coming from the avant-garde of the 20th century, contemporary art and the field of development of video games in the recent context.


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How to Cite
Palavecino, L. (2023). Games, video games and arts: history, concepts and redefinitions in the relationship between playful universes and contemporary artistic practices. Jangwa Pana, 22(1), 91–102.
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Author Biography

Laura Palavecino, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

Magíster en Tecnología y Estética de las Artes Electrónicas. Investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero-Argentina.


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