Alternative water collection and storage systems from the perspective of social metabolism, Quibdó, Colombia

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Carlos Alberto Torres Chamat
Tito Morales Pinzón


Social metabolism studies the exchange relations between social and natural systems. This allows us to analyze the sustainability of natural resources, such as water, linked to the relationship between society and nature. For which, population groups have a significant weight in the increase of resource consumption and energy transformation. For this reason, alternative water collection and storage systems are important, as they allow for self-management. This research sought to characterize the rainwater catchment and storage systems present in the city of Quibdó, in areas not connected to the aqueduct system, in relation to social metabolism. For this purpose, a mixed approach methodology was used, with qualitative techniques and data collection. Visits were made to 150 homes in which storage systems and structures for water storage were evidenced; of these, 41.8% were elevated tanks and 40.2% were low tanks. The average consumption of rainwater in a household was 500 L/day, used for potable uses (food preparation, hydration, and care for babies and children) and non-potable uses focused mainly on cleaning (personal, housing, laundry). Depending on the water storage capacity of the house, it can last between one and five days without rainfall; however, in rainy seasons there is a constant recharge of the storage systems that prevents water shortages.


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How to Cite
Torres Chamat, C. A., & Morales Pinzón, T. (2022). Alternative water collection and storage systems from the perspective of social metabolism, Quibdó, Colombia. Jangwa Pana, 21(3), 241–253.
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Author Biography

Tito Morales Pinzón, Technological University of Pereira

PhD. Ciencia y Tecnología Ambientales (Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Ambientales) Magíster en Investigación Operativa y Estadística (Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial)  Administrador Ambiental (Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales) Docente (Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales)


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