Analysis of stable isotopes in human and wildlife skeletal remains in the archeological sites of the early and middle Holocene Tequendama and Aguazuque (savanna of Bogotá, Colombia)

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Angélica Viviana Triana Vega
Isabel Casar
Pedro Morales
Jennifer Salinas


Some archaeological studies on the processes of social change of the societies that existed during the early and middle Holocene in Colombia have taken place in the Sabana de Bogotá (Colombia). The research carried out by G. Correal and T. van der Hammen in the archaeological sites of Tequendama and Aguazuque are relevant examples. These authors collected important information on lithic artifacts, plant remains, pottery and human and animal skeletons that provide information on the lifestyles of the humans who inhabited these sites.
In 2014, a new study focused on the re-excavation of the Tequendama and Aguazuque sites through nine 50x50 cm columns. This document will present the results obtained from the analysis of stable isotopes obtained from human and wildlife bone remains to approximate the diet of some of the inhabitants who occupied the archaeological sites of Tequendama and Aguazuque, which present an occupation between the Early and middle Holocene and the transition from hunting and gathering to the first processes of horticulture and agriculture in these sites.


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Triana Vega, A. V. ., Casar, I. ., Morales, P. ., & Salinas, J. . (2019). Analysis of stable isotopes in human and wildlife skeletal remains in the archeological sites of the early and middle Holocene Tequendama and Aguazuque (savanna of Bogotá, Colombia). Jangwa Pana, 19(1), 10–22.
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