Labor Market at the Caribbean and Social Inequalities (1890-1930). Qualified Workers of the United Fruit Company and the Northern Railway Company in front of the 1929 Word Economic Crisis

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This essay focuses on the transformations in the labor market in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica and aims to understand the changes in composition of the work force and working conditions in regards to agroexport production, such as the construction of railway infrastructure between 1890 and 1930. This essay also considers the relationships between Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, and Cuba from a transnational perspective. Due to the fact that Costa Rica maintained commercial relationships with Panama and Jamaica, according to the 1891 census, there were labor migrations between these countries. Studies on the United Fruit Company in Cuba are used as a point of comparison. The literature consulted in this essay includes publications relevant to labor history on the multinational banana companies in Central America and the Caribbean. Primary sources include the Costa Rican national census of 1891 and 1927, available in the Northern Railway collection at the Costa Rican National Archives (ANCR). 
Keywords: labor history, labor market, railways, caribbean  


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Sánchez Lovell, A. (2018). Labor Market at the Caribbean and Social Inequalities (1890-1930). Qualified Workers of the United Fruit Company and the Northern Railway Company in front of the 1929 Word Economic Crisis. Jangwa Pana, 18(1), 102–119.
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