The improvement of the argumentative competence in foreign students of ELE (Spanish as a foreign language) through colombian publicity

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Andrea Lorena Aponte-Buitrago


This article presents important aspects of one research related to the ELE (Spanish as a foreign language) teaching and learning process. The aim was to improve the argumentative competence in foreign students of ELE, using Colombian publicity. The purpose of this research project was to design, apply, analyze and redesign ten workshops with different activities about the argumentative texts using the Colombian publicity. It should be noted that this investigation take into account the parameters of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), related to intermediate Spanish (B2) and advanced Spanish speakers(C1 y C2); it means that the foreign students are in that levels. Afterwards, based on the analysis, the final book was design and it was printed and in a software. Later, based on the objectives, in relation with the methodology, this study was action research. It was mixed approach, because it included the qualitative and quantitative. The method was inductive because the activities and exercises were applied to three foreign students at UPTC and Tunja city. The technique was direct observation. As a conclusion, the Colombian publicity were useful tools to improve the argumentative competence in foreign students of ELE. The foreign students can learn vocabulary and new expressions coming from the advertising messages. Also, they can learn different aspects about the culture in Colombia and Tunja.


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How to Cite
Aponte-Buitrago, A. L., & Cardozo-Rincón, G. (2018). The improvement of the argumentative competence in foreign students of ELE (Spanish as a foreign language) through colombian publicity. Jangwa Pana, 17(2), 217–229.
Article of scientific and technological research


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