The urgency of legal in Latin America ethnography

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Mauricio Chamorro-Rosero


In 2004, lawyer and Gina Chavez anthropologist Fernando Garcia published with the Petroecuador financial support, sponsorship Development Council of Nationalities and Peoples of Ecuador (CODENPE) and Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO) the book entitled: The right to be: diversity, identity and change, legal Ethnography Indian and Afro-Ecuadorian. In this book the authors argue that "state law is itself plural, because it is affected by other normative orders, international law, transnational and also the legalities no State (indigenous systems of law and Afro- Ecuadorian in this case) "(Chavez & Garcia, 2004, p. 19). Thus, from studies Case in Kichwa peoples, Achuar and Shuar of the Amazon and Afro-Ecuadorian people of north of the province of Esmeraldas, the authors collect and analyze information systems indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorian of law, and deliver decisive clues ancestral practice of law. 


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How to Cite
Chamorro-Rosero, M. (2015). The urgency of legal in Latin America ethnography. Jangwa Pana, 14(1), 11–12.
Literature review
Author Biography

Mauricio Chamorro-Rosero, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto

Doctorando en Sociología y Antropología (UCM). Miembro del Grupode Investigación La Minga.