Fundarvid and Fenascol: notes on their neologims in LSC

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Alex G. Barreto-Muñoz


There is an open debate about how deaf people should create new words (neologisms) in the Colombian sign language (LSC). Proposals from the Tree of Life Foundation have generated several tensions within the deaf community of Bogota associated with the National Federation of the Deaf of Colombia. Particularly on the acquisition, teaching and learning of the LSC, what has been decided to treat here as ‘education’. This article presents the preliminary results from two studies that detail the complexity of the social practices of deaf people in context of the controversies surrounding innovation in the LSC and its interface with the beliefs around ideas of an ideal language.


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Barreto-Muñoz, A. G. (2015). Fundarvid and Fenascol: notes on their neologims in LSC. Jangwa Pana, 14(1), 99–112.
Reflection Article
Author Biography

Alex G. Barreto-Muñoz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Docente ocasional, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Estudiante de Maestría en Antropología


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