Cultural practices ropavejeros of Spain plaza Bogotá

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Julia Beatriz Bedoya-Ramírez


This article arises from a counseling process to an investigation of socio-cultural practice that just took place in Bogota Spain with the support of the local mayor of Martyrs and ALEPH research group composed of Luis Ernesto Corredor Hatch; Katherine Alvarado Contreras; Luis Carlos Almeida and Angela Montenegro Sierra Maria Botero. A vision of broad and diverse public, through the participation and analysis when looking pedagogical solutions from cultural processes was obtained. The community of ragpickers in the Plaza Spain have a tradition in the history of the Colombian capital of more than 60 years, which is nourished not only of the landmarks, the events that unfolded here, or film records documentaries about these, but feeds on the experience and the experiences that are narrated by its own protagonists, who with their lives and from the daily build history, the main objective is to understand and demonstrate cultural practices performed by ropavejeros to keep time a commercial activity for the most vulnerable, such as the sale of used clothing in good quality.


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How to Cite
Bedoya-Ramírez, J. B. (2015). Cultural practices ropavejeros of Spain plaza Bogotá. Jangwa Pana, 14(1), 90–98.
Article of scientific and technological research
Author Biography

Julia Beatriz Bedoya-Ramírez, Universidad Sergio Arboleda - Bogotá

Magíster en Estudios Sociales y Políticos Latinoamericanos, Docente e investigadora de la Escuela de Política y Relaciones internacionales.


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