Habitat use of the Santa Marta scops owl (Megascops gilesi) in the San Lorenzo sector, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

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Jorge Luis Gutiérrez-Guillén
Guido Riccardo Spinelli Giorgi
Diana Patricia Tamaris-Turizo


The Santa Marta scops owl is an owl endemic to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and is distributed in the humid forests of this mountainous region; However, its habitat is in decline due to the reduction of forested areas. Despite the biological importance of this species, little is known about its use and interactions in the habitat. In this study, the habitat of Megascops gilesi was analyzed using vegetation cover and attributes of its natural history are described. For this, night monitoring was carried out in the San Lorenzo sector during which the observed individuals were recorded, taking into account the climatic seasonality and type of vegetation, complemented with playback calls. This owl used five types of vegetation; with the highest detection of individuals (82.6 %, n = 76) occurring in dense forests. A lower relative abundance was observed during the rainy seasons. Observations in the field allow us to affirm that the owl fed on the frog Serranobatrachus sanctaemartae, as well as an orthopteran of the Tettigoniidae family. An attempt to consume the crab Strengeriana taironae is also reported. These results suggest that the owl frequented covers with greater complexity in the vegetation structure, such as dense forests, which could favor the support of the population. The records according to seasonality were adjusted to the theory of spatial distribution and habitat use of nocturnal raptors, in which the movement and dispersal patterns of the species are reduced in the rainy season, when resources could be more abundant and of greater quality. Accessibility. This research provides relevant information for the planning of conservation policies and habitat protection for this owl species in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.


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Gutiérrez-Guillén, J. L., Spinelli Giorgi , G. R., & Tamaris-Turizo , D. P. (2024). Habitat use of the Santa Marta scops owl (Megascops gilesi) in the San Lorenzo sector, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Intropica, 192–207. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897864.5464
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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