Representative soils mineralogy composition from the northern of Magdalena department, Colombia

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Sonia Esperanza Aguirre Forero
José Rafael Vásquez Polo


The mineralogical analyses of soils are necessary to explain the genetics, taxonomic, and physical-chemical characteristics and their critical evaluation to obtain actual and complete knowledge of the resource and its adequate management. In this work, the objective was to identify the mineralogical composition of six subzones in the north of the department of Magdalena, a region adjacent to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia, in a dry climate. The soils of the most important crops in the area and surrounding forests were selected to establish limitations and potentialities. The study was descriptive with the compilation of edaphic and climatic information and mineralogical analysis. The results showed a predominance of dry and very dry warm climates with an average temperature of 27 ºC and an ustic soil regime. The sand mineral fraction is associated with quartz and feldspar content. In contrast, the fine fraction reports Biotite and Haloisite in 100 % of the samples. Zones 2 and 4 also showed Smectite content; in zone 3, Chlorite, and zone 2, a Halite sample (1.3 %) was reported. The analysis of the percentage mineralogical composition confirms that the soils studied present a low evolutionary degree due to the ustic regime that controls the soil development, limiting the alteration of the most labile minerals.


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Aguirre Forero, S. E., Vásquez Polo, J. R. ., & Piraneque , N. . (2022). Representative soils mineralogy composition from the northern of Magdalena department, Colombia. Intropica, 17(1), 61–71. Retrieved from
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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