Knowledge and attitudes towards oral health in early childhood: The view of doctors, nurses and pediatricians

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Paola Carolina Guevara-Lagos
Lina María Mueses-Cuasquer
Román Fernando Mueses-Yandun
Jairo Corchuelo-Ojeda
Bruno Gutiérrez


Introduction: Generating oral care and hygiene habits from an early age is critical in the development and growth of the child. Professionals such as pediatricians, nurses, and doctors have close contact with pregnant women and infants. Knowledge and attitudes towards oral health are essential in preventing oral diseases and their social impact on people's quality of life. Objective: To determine the knowledge and attitudes about early childhood oral health of pediatricians, doctors, nurses, and nursing assistants in a social enterprise in Cali, Colombia. Method: A descriptive study was conducted in 38 health-providing institutions in seven communes and two rural areas of Cali, applying a structured questionnaire-type instrument with 27 questions. Results: Seventy-four professionals participated; 35.8% presented regular knowledge about oral health, in addition to 87.8% with a good attitude towards the subject. Conclusions: The attitude towards health care and hygiene in childhood among health personnel in Cali, Colombia, is good. However, health personnel's knowledge of the topics could be improved. More similar studies are needed in other Colombian regions.


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Guevara-Lagos, P. C., Mueses-Cuasquer, L. M., Mueses-Yandun, R. F., Corchuelo-Ojeda, J., & Gutiérrez, B. (2024). Knowledge and attitudes towards oral health in early childhood: The view of doctors, nurses and pediatricians. Duazary, 21(1), 62–68.
Short article


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