Effect of the access to periodontitis treatment on oral health related quality of life

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Renata De La Hoz-Perafán
Erika Loaiza-Echeverri
Ivan Arroyave


The oral health related quality of life can be influenced by periodontitis, an inflammatory disease that causes tooth loss and affects the oral integrity and functionality.  Its most severe condition, it occurs in 11.2% of the world population. In Colombia, the periodontitis treatment is not covered by the public insurance.  The presence of barriers to the periodontal treatment access could be associated with stress and depression, negatively affecting the quality of life. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the periodontitis treatment access on the oral health related quality of life. A cohort follow-up design was used, 149 participants were recruited by census.  They were divided between those who were able or not to access the treatment, quality of life was measured at the beginning and at the end of the follow-up. Association was found between the oral health related quality of life and the variables sex and use of dental prostheses. The absence of periodontal specialized treatment does not affect the quality of life because the health care center users do not perceive the administrative and organizational access barriers.


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How to Cite
De La Hoz-Perafán, R., Loaiza-Echeverri, E., & Arroyave, I. (2021). Effect of the access to periodontitis treatment on oral health related quality of life . Duazary, 18(3), 53–68. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.4263
Articles of scientific and technological research


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