Effects of climate change on the health of the Colombian population

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Farid Leonardo Rodríguez-Pacheco
María Paola Jiménez-Villamizar
Lilibeth Patricia Pedraza-Álvarez


Climate change is one of the environmental phenomena attributed to human activity, which has affected economic activities, population welfare and ecosystems. This study aims to identify and describe the direct and indirect effects of climate change on the health of the population residing in Colombia through morbidity and mortality associated with variability climate, climate and hydrometeorological events in Colombia. A retrospective and descriptive bibliometric study was conducted. This research carried out the review of the official website of 33 national scientific journals in the area of Medical and Health Sciences indexed in the Publindex National Bibliographic Index. The results indicate that high rainfall, drought and temperature fluctuations have effects on vector disease transmission. Air pollution is associated with increased respiratory infections and high temperatures are considered a risk factor in people diagnosed with cerebrovascular and heart disease.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Pacheco, F. L. ., Jiménez-Villamizar, M. P. ., & Pedraza-Álvarez, L. P. (2019). Effects of climate change on the health of the Colombian population. Duazary, 16(2), 319–331. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.3186
Articles of scientific and technological research


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