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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published is not under consideration by any other journal.
  • the introductory letter or manuscript refers originality
  • The manuscript contains the declaration on conflict of interest
  • It includes the Declaration on ethical aspects, item that should go as the last subtitle of the materials and methods
  • The manuscript is adjusted according to what is stated in the example article and/or the journal's author's guide.

Author Guidelines

Duazary, is the four-monthly scientific publication published by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad del Magdalena- Colombia, whose objective is to disseminate original and unpublished research that contributes to the understanding of the health-disease process at the local, national and international level. Publishes articles approved by its Editorial Committee, after double-blind arbitration, in order to ensure the quality of its contents and complies with the international regulations contained in the publication: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication, of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Update 2016. Available at:

The journal Duazary (ISSN 1794 - 5992) emerged in 2004, and it publishes scientific information on health issues, from broad and general public health perspectives to specialized topics and specific clinical areas. Manuscripts made in any part of the world are accepted, as long as they are common themes with the Caribbean region or of interest for the context of the Colombian Caribbean and its surroundings. Also, manuscripts are received in Spanish or English. It is available in a digital version with free access ( and in a printed version, which is distributed in specialized libraries of academic, governmental and non-governmental institutions.


The reception of the manuscripts is permanent. Authors wishing to publish in Duazary should register in the Open Journal System ( and send, from there, the paper, the manuscript reissue letter or the originality letter and the figures in graphic format and independent files. As an alternative, the author may submit this same information through the email:

All contributions are subject to initial review by the Editorial Committee, and their submission does not imply immediate acceptance or obligation of Duazary to be published.

Authors should consider when sending a manuscript, they are guaranteeing that all the people who appear as authors endorse and agree with its content. For this reason, each document must be accompanied by a letter of remission of manuscripts, signed by all the authors where its publication is approved and indicates the type of contribution (See apart from Types of Articles). Also, it states that the document has not been sent or published in any other scientific journal. Therefore, if it is found to be in the publishing process or has been published in another journal, the author will be suspended for five years or more as determined by the editorial committee for sending manuscripts, in the same way he or she and the journal in question will be notified (all parties involved).

Responsibility for the content of the articles falls on the authors and not on the editors, the editorial committee or the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad del Magdalena.


Based on the standards established by Publindex-Minciencias, Duazary has established that the manuscripts that are submitted for publication must correspond to one of the typologies described below:

a. Articles of scientific and technological research (Originals): Document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The structure used contains four important sections: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The articles within this category will have a maximum of 6000 words, maximum seven tables, and figures (graphics or maps). Also, they will have at least 20 bibliographical references. The structure of this type of article is presented in the following section.

b. Review article: The document resulted from closed research where the results of published or unpublished investigation are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in a field of science or technology, to account for the advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 bibliographical references. And for Duazary it will have a maximum length of 7000 words. The structure of this type of article is presented in the following section.

c. Reflection article: Document that displays results of finished research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using sources. Its extension will be of maximum 5000 words and 20 bibliographical references. The structure of this type of article is presented in the following section.

d. Report of clinical cases: Correspond to manuscripts that report one or several cases and that make a brief review of the specialized literature a clinical condition. To be considered by the journal, you must attach a copy of the informed consent signed by the participant patient (s) and the certificate of ethics of the institution under which the principal author signs. The case presented should be sophisticated enough to raise issues of clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic or research interest, and should not be so rare as not to attract readers of the journal. Maximum 2000 words (does not include references or information of the authors), minimum 15 references and six photos (figures). If your manuscript corresponds to this type of article, continue in the numeral.

e. Editorial: Document written by the editor, a member of the editorial committee or a guest researcher on guidelines in the thematic domain of the journal.

f. Letter to the editor: document written by a researcher or academic, where an article recently published in the journal is controversial or, failing that, refers to a topic of current interest.

 It is clarified that the number of words includes bibliographic references, texts in tables, figures, etc.


Authors should submit their articles strictly following the guidelines for authors, depending on the type of contribution they wish to submit to the journal. All documents must be in Arial 12, to a single column, with line spacing 1, margins of 2 cm on all sides and justified alignment.

For the articles that are described to typologies a, b or c, the structure will be the following:

1. Title. Clear, descriptive and short, maximum 15 words (in case of being bigger it must be justified). It is requested in Spanish and English. The title of the work and the titles of the main sections of the manuscript must be in central position and capital letters; the second rank titles should be placed in the left position in lowercase. All titles and subtitles must be in bold.

2. Author (s). In case of several authors, the first name must be the one of the principal author, that is, the person who has been in the whole research process, from the original idea to the final analysis. The following information must arise from each author: Name (s) and surnames, and with an Arabic number in superscript, the presentation of such author must appear placing: maximum level of formation, position and institution to which it is linked, Orcid (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and email for correspondence. This information must be complete for all authors.

Example: Ubaldo Rodríguez de Ávila1

  1. Magister in Education, full-time teacher, Universidad del Magdalena. Colombia. Email: -

Note: Declaration on conflict of interest

The manuscripts will include before the bibliographic references and as main title a declaration in which the authors will state that they are independent with respect to the funding and support institutions and that during the execution of the work or the writing of the manuscript there have not been any interests or values ​​other than those usually found in the investigation. Only manuscripts in which the authors have no conflicts of interest will be considered.

In some cases it will be necessary for the authors to specify the support received (financial, equipment, work personnel, in kind, etc.) from people or from public or private institutions to carry out the study, as well as the personal or institutional relationships that they can influence the driving, the results, the interpretation of them and the writing of the manuscript.

3. To cite this article: You must indicate the way to quote the article, maintaining the Vancouver style


To cite this article: Pérez-Anaya O, Ceballos-Ospino G, González-Gélvez D, Suescún-Arregocés J. Bibliometric analysis of the journale Duazary in the quinquennium 2012-2016. Duazary. 2017 July; 14 (2): 122-130. Doi:

4. Abstract In Spanish. It should not exceed 200 words. It should state the objectives of the work, a concise description of the materials and methods, primary results and conclusions generated. Bibliographical references should not be included and should be written in a single paragraph without subtitles.

 5. Keywords. After the abstract, three to six keywords separated by semicolons will be placed to identify the manuscript. For health, they should be referenced according to the Decs

6. Abstract. The Abstract must be the English translation of the summary in Spanish.

 7. Keywords. The English translation of each of the keywords will be included. For health, reference should be made according to MeSH or the Decs presented above.

 8. Introduction. The importance of the subject, the justification and the relevant background that substantiate the hypothesis or the research problem should be indicated. The last paragraph must explicitly contain the objective of the investigation.

9. Materials and Methods. It should include, in a detailed, clear and concise way, how the study was developed. Telling how the sample was calculated (when appropriate) and how the subjects were selected, or in the cases of revisions should explain how the search for documents was done, in which bibliographical bases and with which descriptors. Besides, the instruments used must be mentioned and where they have been obtained, as well as the validity thereof. Different sections can be used with appropriate subtitles (a type of study, population, and sample, instruments, procedure, techniques, statistical analysis and statement on ethical aspects). It must be written in the past and impersonally.

For qualitative studies: it is necessary to specify the participants in the research and the criteria for selecting or identifying them, the scenarios or study environments, the observation criteria and methods used (for example: interviews or focus groups), the sources of secondary information and means of quality control of the data obtained to ensure reliability (for example, triangulation of sources).

10. Declaration of ethical aspects. As the last subtitle of the materials and methods, the procedures followed in the study will be mentioned to ensure compliance with the principles and ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 and its subsequent revisions and Resolution 8430 of 1993 of the Ministry of Health of Colombia. In any case, it must be indicated how the rights of the participants were protected and if they were given consent or authorization of procedures. The names of the patients, initials or hospital numbers should not be used, especially in an illustrative material with the patient's image, the authorization of the patient should be included with the article. When using laboratory animals, indicate the quality of the humane treatment granted to the specimens.

11. Results. The results must be presented in a clear and precise manner, including tables, figures, when appropriate graphics or maps, which will appear under the figure label. Tables or figures should be mentioned in the body of the document within the results section and should follow the following recommendations.

Recommendations for Tables:

-They must be elaborated in the MS Word table processor. Do not use the space bar or the tab key.

-The tables should be numbered according to their sequence in the text, in correlative order with Arabic numerals and they will have a descriptive and brief caption in the upper part, which will be the reference of the table. It is recommended that the title is clear and informative, to avoid consulting the text to understand the table.

-The tables should be inserted in the body of the manuscript in consecutive descending order (from lowest to highest and previously cited).

-The tables should be designed using horizontal and vertical lines.

-The headings of the columns should be brief, but explanatory. Do not use bold. The standard abbreviations of the units of measure should be placed in parentheses.

-Any additional explanation for the understanding of the table should be included as a footnote. Also, the source of the information that appears in the table must be placed (example, Source: own elaboration).

-The information presented in the tables should not appear repeated in the figures and vice versa.

-The editorial committee reserves the right to locate the tables based on the available space and during the editorial process may ask the author to make changes to achieve a better quality of the same and in search of a better organization and economy of space.

Recommendations for Figures (Photos, graphics or maps):

-Captions of the Figures. At the end of the text of the document and on a separate sheet a list will be made with the text of the captions of the figures.

-Bold should not be used, and both lowercase and capital letters will be accepted.

-It is recommended that the captions are informative so that the reader does not need to consult the text to understand what the figure shows.

-It is recommended that the explanations or descriptions considered necessary be written in the same legend to avoid text within the figures.

-Figures: The figures (drawings, maps, sheets, diagrams, computer graphics, photographs and images, radiographs, electrocardiograms, histology) should be sent in separate files, in high-quality format (tiff, bmp, jpg or gif), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If possible, it is recommended to send vectorial graphics files saved with EPS, color or gray scale extension.

- Each figure must be numbered and followed by a short and explanatory legend, which will be placed on the bottom of it.

-The figures that are included must have enough resolution so that they can be seen clearly. Its original size should allow a 50% reduction, without loss of clarity.

-Include only those figures that present the most significant data of your study. The information presented in the figures should not appear copied in the tables.

-The name of the file corresponding to the figure is that of the first author followed by the number of the figure, e.g., Rivas fig.1.jpg.

-The figures composed of several images will be listed correlatively. E.g., Fig. 1a, 1b, 1c, etc.

-When microscopic figures or photographs are included, the scale must be added and the staining method used must be specified.

-The drawings must have a comparative scale to determine the increase.

-If you must provide a scale, use bar scale instead of numerical scales that change with the reduction.

-The photographs of patients should not include information that allows the identification of the subject.

-Usually, color illustrations may be added for digital reproduction on the Duazary website but will be printed in black and white, unless the cost of printing is assumed by the author.

-The editorial committee reserves the right to locate the figures based on the available space and during the editorial process, may ask the author to make changes to achieve a better quality of it, as well as seek a better organization and economy of space.

-In all the figures and tables the source should be clarified in the immediately lower part. If the figure or table, included has not been published previously and the data was not taken from an external source, it will be placed "Source: own elaboration." If you modify a figure or table already published or extract data from different sources, you will place "Source: own elaboration based on..." and then the names of the authors or institutions following the same citation system as in the body of the text, including the complete publication and location data in the final list of bibliographic references. In the case of reproducing a previously published figure or table, the source must be mentioned, and the corresponding authorization must be obtained from the owner of the copyright. Except in cases of images or public domain materials.

12. Discussion. This part should explore the meaning of the results of the work, not repeat them. Compare your findings with those of other studies, which should be cited appropriately. Also, new hypotheses can be made that explain unexpected results or contrary to what the scientific literature shows. Extensive citations of the sources consulted should be avoided. It is suggested to discuss the updated theory about the investigated topic. The last paragraph should include the conclusion of the study.

13. Bibliographic references: They will follow the Vancouver style. They must be numbered in order throughout the text and organized at the end of the bibliographic references following the same order. The references will be cited in the text with consecutive numbers, in superscript and separated by comma or hyphen, depending on the case, but without spaces between them, for example, authors have found that ... (1,2) or previous investigations did not identify the relationship ... (3-8).

When the same source is used more than once, it is not renumbered, but the same number already assigned is repeated. Authors are advised to consult articles published in Duazary on the subject to be included in their analyzes.

 Examples: (pay special attention to the score)

Standard authors of journale articles in the printed version (physical)

To cite this article: Pérez-Anaya O, Ceballos-Ospino G, González-Gélvez D, Suescún-Arregocés J. Bibliometric analysis of the journale Duazary in the quinquennium 2012-2016. Duazary. 2017 July; 14 (2): 122-130. Doi:

When there are more than six authors, the first six will be mentioned and "et al." will be placed for the rest:

Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical injury. Brain Res. 2002; 935 (1-2): 40-6.

Number without volume

Banit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. Intraoperative frozen section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. Clin Orthop. 2002;(401):230-8. 

Collective author of journal articles in a printed version

Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002; 40 (5): 679-86.

Standard authors of journal articles on the Internet

Salazar A, Alvarez L. The effects of particulate material 10 (PM 10) and climatological variables in hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in children in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, 2008-2009. Duazary [online journale]. 2011 [cited 2013 Jul 21]; 8 (2): 129-142. Available at:

Books and monographic works

Salazar A, Álvarez L. Manual of submission to publication of clinical cases and cross-sectional studies. First edition. Santa Marta: Editorial Unimagdalena; 2012

Corporate author's book

Pan American Health Organization. The renewal of Primary Health Care in the Americas. Washington DC: PAHO; 2007.

Legal documents

Colombia. Ministry of social protection. Law 911 of 2004 by which provisions are issued regarding deontological responsibility for the exercise of the profession of Nursing in Colombia; the corresponding disciplinary regime is established, and other dispositions are dictated. Official Gazette, 45693 (Oct. 6 2004).

Databases on the Internet

National Department of Statistics. Population estimates 1985 - 2005 and population projections 2005 - 2020 municipal total by area [Internet]. Bogotá: DANE [cited 18 Sep 2013]. Available at:

Do not include references:

-Documents or unpublished summaries, even if they have been presented at conferences or congresses.

-Articles sent for publication that have not been accepted

-Book reviews

-Web pages and Blogs

If you have any additional questions, consult the document: Uniformity requirements for manuscripts sent to biomedical journals: Writing and preparation of the edition of a biomedical publication. Available at:  Starting on page 25.

14. Abbreviations: The words to abbreviate are written the first time they appear in parentheses, complete, and in their original language. The use of acronyms that are not universally recognized will be limited.

15. Scientific nomenclature: The scientific names of genera and species should be written in italics. When they are mentioned the first time, they are placed complete, even in the title and abstract, and then only the initial letter of the genus is capitalized, followed by the full name of the species in italics.

Decimal numbers in Spanish should be separated from whole numbers by commas, not points. When numbers are mentioned that go from zero to nine, they must be written in letters, except for those that indicate decimals, percentage or metric units.

Keep in mind that all manuscripts must be written impersonally or in the third person. The exceptions will have to be consulted to the Editor of the journal.

For the articles that are described to the typology d. Clinical Cases, the structure will be the following:

The structure of the presentation is similar to the previous one:

a. Title in Spanish and English, address of the authors with their complete identification, abstract in Spanish, keywords in Spanish, abstract in English, keywords in English.

bIntroduction: You must give an account of the pathology or health problem that will be treated in the article.

cPresentation of the case: it must be described the case or cases that were presented, first status, treatments and management that were made and outcome. Within the text should include the photos in the times that the authors consider. In this type of articles the informed consent forms of patients or individuals must be attached one for the sending, and within the text, it must be made explicit that the ethical procedure was done and the respective permission of the patient or the person responsible was available. The photos must strictly follow the parameters presented in number 11 of the previous typologies.

d. Discussion: is similar to the earlier types of articles.

e. Bibliographical references: they must be in style presented for scientific and technological research articles.

 For more information, it is recommended to review the following guide:


 -When the author cites the work of another or reproduces a figure or a table of a book or a journal article, you must ensure that it is not violating production rights (Copyright).

 -Although in general, an author can reproduce tables, photographs or other illustrations, he must obtain permission from the owner of the rights. If the owner of the rights is not the author of the cited or reproduced material, it is also recommended to obtain the author's permission.

 -The authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permits for the reproduction of texts, figures, tables, photographs or other illustrations, previously published.

 -The material extracted from unpublished letters and manuscripts will not be accepted unless the corresponding permission is obtained.

 -The author must always make an appropriate acknowledgment of any material that is supplied.


Before submitting an article to Duazary journal, make sure you comply with the instructions for authors, and each author must guarantee that his manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously to other journals, it is original and unpublished. The above has an impact directly on the times of the editorial process thereof.

The reception of a manuscript does not imply the obligation for its acceptance, nor commitment regarding the publication. All papers received with the intention of being published in the journal will be reviewed initially by the editorial team, which has a period of two weeks to verify compliance with the specific rules of the articles, as well as the suitability and quality of the same. If the manuscript does not comply with the guidelines, it will be returned to the author for full application.

Manuscripts that comply with all the guidelines set out in the instructions for authors will be sent to national and international anonymous peer reviewers (preferably outside the publishing institution), of recognized experience, who will advance the double-blind evaluation process. The evaluator will issue its concept on the manuscript and may make recommendations or request clarifications. The journal will send the concepts of evaluation in a period no longer than three months, time that begins from the notification to the author that his writing has entered that phase. The opinion process requires anonymity.

 If a positive and a negative evaluation is submitted, the editor will decide on the said controversy, either by sending it to a third evaluator or sending it to the editorial committee, with the purpose of giving a definitive verdict. Below are the possible results, after the final verdicts.

Evaluator peer one

Evaluator peer two


To publish

To publish with modifications

It is accepted with modifications

To publish

To publish


Not to publish

To publish with modifications

Third peer

Not to publish

To publish

Third peer

To publish with modifications

To publish with modifications

It is accepted with modifications

Not to publish

Not to publish

Not publishable

 If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will receive the form of transfer of patrimonial rights of articles, which all authors must complete and sign; for the case of the existence of illustrations, portraits, photographs, etc., other formats available on the journale's platform will be filled out. The accepted articles will go through a process of correction of style and layout by the editing team. When you have the galley proof of the journal, the manuscript will be sent to the authors for review; this step is before the printing of the journal, it should be noted that the process of publication in the journal does not present any economic cost for the authors. This phase can take up to three months from the approval for publication of the document.

 Ethics in research and publication is fundamental for the journal, therefore, in the event of plagiarism or copyright violation, the editors will order the cancellation of the review, editorial preparation or printing processes, as the case may be.

 For more details, consult the ethics guide and good editorial practices located at the following URL:

 Version: 2020-29-07


Document written by the editor, an editorial board member or a guest researcher in the thematic domain guidelines of the journal. Corresponds to a short document with few references. 

Articles of scientific and technological research

A document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four major sections: introduction, materials and methods, results and conclusions. Items within this category will have a maximum of 6000 words, maximum 7 charts and / or figures, graphs or maps. They will also have at least 20 bibliographic references. The structure of this type of articles are presented in the following apart

Short article

These works have the same characteristics as the originals; however, they can be published in an abbreviated form due to the magnitude of the objectives and results. The maximum length of the text will be 1500 words, not including abstract, references, tables or figures. These documents will have a maximum of two tables or figures. The structure of these articles similar to the originals includes: introduction, methods, results and discussion. References should not exceed 20.


A document resulted of an investigation in which the results of finished research, published or unpublished, are analyzed, systematized and integrated on a science or technology field, in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by having a thorough literature review of at least 50 bibliographic references. And for Duazary it should have a maximum of 7000 words. The structure of this type of articles is presented in the following apart.

Reflection article

Document stating results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical, by the author on a specific topic, using original sources. Its maximum length is 5000 words and 20 bibliographic references. The structure of this type of articles is presented in the following apart.

Clinical report

Match manuscripts reporting one or more cases and make a brief review of the literature of a clinical condition. To be considered by the journal. It must attach a copy of the signed consent by patients or participants. The case must be complex enough to raise issues of clinical interest, diagnostic, therapeutic or research, and should not be so rare as to not attract readers of the journal. Maximum 2000 words, 15 references and 6 pictures (figures). If your manuscript is for these items continue in section

Letter to the editor

Section intended for readers; where you can comment on one of the articles published in Duazary, as well as express yourself on some current health issue. It is necessary to clarify that the contributions should be argued, preferably with bibliographical support that allows other readers to understand their thesis clearly.The length of this document should not exceed 2000 words, so the journal reserves the right to shorten the publication. This section seeks to encourage discussion of what is currently published or happening in the area of health.


Sección dedicada a publicar resúmenes de eventos, congresos, simposios, entre otros.

Presentation of clinical cases

 corresponden a manuscritos que discuten uno o varios casos y que hacen una revisión breve del estado del conocimiento de una condición clínica. Para que sea considerado por la Revista deberá anexar copia del consentimiento informado firmado por el o los pacientes participantes para la publicación de fotos de rostros enmascarados o no. El caso debe ser lo suficientemente novedoso como para plantear asuntos de interés clínico, diagnóstico, terapéutico o de investigación. La sola infrecuencia no es razón suficiente para la publicación. La presentación de casos debe tener máximo 2000 palabras, sin incluir. Se aceptan hasta cuatro tablas o figuras. Deben tener un mínimo de 15 referencias y máximo de 25.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.