About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Duazary means 'well-being', 'quality of life' or simply 'health' among the Arhuacos, an original people inhabiting the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, speaking a language from the Chibcha family.

Duazary is a quarterly scientific publication edited by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia. Duazary aims to disseminate original and unpublished research that contributes to the understanding of the health-disease-care process in areas of nursing, medicine, dentistry, psychology and other related areas at the local, national and international level.

Duazary publishes articles approved by the Editorial Committee, after peer review, in order to ensure the quality and relevance of the writings and adheres to the international regulations contained in the publication: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication, of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (CIERM), updated May 2022. Available at: http://www.icmje.org/

Objective of the journal

Disseminate research in the area of health through original articles, subject reviews, clinical case reports, reflections, etc., which are unpublished, in Spanish and English and that contribute to the understanding of the health-disease-care process Care, in a broad sense.

The audience targeted

Journal addressed to researchers, teachers, teachers and professionals in general, interested in generating knowledge related to the health area that contribute to their theoretical and practical enrichment, especially in health related issues in the Caribbean context. Latin American.

Ethical legal principles

The articles published in Duazary are subject to compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and other norms derived from it and derived from it, as well as the specific legislation of each country where the research sent for publication is made.

 Periodicity and diffusion

The Duazary Journal, attached to the Universidad del Magdalena - Colombia, it is published quarterly (January - March; April - June; July - September; October - December); publishing the articles of each edition, the first days of beginning of the corresponding period. Its circulation is national and international.

 Citation and referencing rule

Duazary defends and respects copyrights, which is why all citations must be correctly referenced in the text, including the author's last name, the year and in some cases if necessary, the pages depending on the case. Authors are requested to follow the instructions for citations and bibliographic references set forth in the Vancouver standards.

Plagiarism detection

As part of its policy of respect for copyright, the editorial team of Duazary Journal applies Turnitin software as a first and last filter to detect plagiarism of the manuscripts that are submitted and approved in the journal.

Corrections and Retractions

Published articles may be subject to subsequent corrections if they are significant in the title, authors (typing errors), institutional affiliation, abstract, main text, tables, figures, acknowledgments or data sharing, according to the criteria of the Editorial Committee.

In the same way, the Editor and the Editorial Committee can retract an article if they have conclusive evidence that the findings are unreliable, the result of a significant error (experimental or calculation error) or as a result of fabrication or falsification. data image manipulation. In the same way, if you observe plagiarism, duplication of previously published results in another resource without proper attribution of sources or communication to the editor, permission to republish or justification, present material or data without authorization for use, violate the copyright or other significant legal issues exist, the research is unethical, the peer review process was rigged or fraudulent, the authors omitted a significant conflict of interest that the publisher believes would have affected the interpretations or recommendations of editors and peer reviewers. More details at https://publicationethics.org/files/cope-guias-para-la-retractacion.pdf.

A retraction note will be published and linked to the retracted article. This note will include the title, the names of the authors, who is retracting the article and the reasons for the retraction.

For more details, see the guide to ethics and good editorial practices located at http://revistas.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/duazary/etica

Form of acquisition

The journal is freely accessible and has no associated costs per publication, you can access it through the page: http://revistas.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/duazary/index 


The Duazary journal is financed with the resources assigned by the Universidad del Magdalena, through the Vicerrectoría de Invetigación, Editorial Unimagdalena and the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Durability of publications

Duazary employs Doi (Digital Object Identifier), for the durability of its publications on the web.

Evaluation process

Before submitting an article to Duazary Journal, make sure you comply with the instructions for authors, and each author must guarantee that his manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously to other journals, it is original and unpublished. The above has an impact directly on the times of the editorial process thereof.

The reception of a manuscript does not imply the obligation for its acceptance, nor commitment regarding the publication. All papers received with the intention of being published in the journal will be reviewed initially by the editorial team, which has a period of two weeks to verify compliance with the specific rules of the articles, as well as the suitability and quality of the same. If the manuscript does not comply with the guidelines, it will be returned to the author for full application.

Manuscripts that comply with all the guidelines set out in the instructions for authors will be sent to national and international anonymous peer reviewers (preferably outside the publishing institution), of recognized experience, who will advance the double-blind evaluation process. The evaluator will issue its concept on the manuscript and may make recommendations or request clarifications. The journal will send the concepts of evaluation in a period no longer than three months, time that begins from the notification to the author that his writing has entered that phase. The opinion process requires anonymity.

 If a positive and a negative evaluation is submitted, the editor will decide on the said controversy, either by sending it to a third evaluator or sending it to the editorial committee, with the purpose of giving a definitive verdict. Below are the possible results, after the final verdicts.

Evaluator peer one

Evaluator peer two


To publish

To publish with modifications

It is accepted with modifications

To publish

To publish


Not to publish

To publish with modifications

Third peer

Not to publish

To publish

Third peer

To publish with modifications

To publish with modifications

It is accepted with modifications

Not to publish

Not to publish

Not publishable

 If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will receive the form of transfer of patrimonial rights of articles, which all authors must complete and sign; for the case of the existence of illustrations, portraits, photographs, etc., other formats available on the journale's platform will be filled out. The accepted articles will go through a process of correction of style and layout by the editing team. When the proof of galleries of the journal is obtained, the manuscript will be sent to the authors for their review, this step is prior to or during the publication of the edition in process, it is necessary to clarify that the publication process does not present any economic cost for authors. This phase can take up to three months from the approval for publication of the document.

Ethics in research and publication is fundamental for the journal, therefore, in case of plagiarism or copyright violation, the editors will order the cancellation of the review, editorial preparation or publication processes, as the case may be.

 For more details, consult the Ethics guide and good editorial practices located at the following URL: http://revistas.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/duazary/etica

Open access policy

Commercial use of the original work or of possible derivative works is not allowed, the distribution of which must be done with a license equal to that which regulates the original work.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for conservation and restoration purposes. Plus...

Duazary allows the simultaneous publication of its publications in self-archiving systems or institutional repositories, provided their origin is recognized.