Psychometric properties of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire r-spq-2f - spanish version

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Clara Vergara-Hernández
Miguel Simancas-Pallares
Zoila Carbonell-Muñoz


The aim of this research was to determine the psychometric properties (construct validity and internal consistency) of The Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) in health sciences students from Cartagena, Colombia. Validation study without a standard criterion in 857 health sciences students whom answered the R-SPQ-2F. The number of factors that explained the construct was determined using exploratory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis determined construct validity and Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency. R-SQP-2F showed a mean value 66.01±12.3 with minimum 36 and maximum 99. EFA showed a two-factor solution that accounted for the 42.5% of the total variance. However, CFA showed the following fit indexes: χ2=962.783; df=166; RMSEA=0.075 (90% CI %: 0.070-0.079); CFI=0.883; TLI=0.866. R-SPQ-2F is a scale with acceptable internal consistency and two-factor structure with questionable construct validity. However, it shows practical utility on higher education learning strategies related-research. Researchers need additional studies about its psychometric properties in the future.


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Cómo citar
Vergara-Hernández, C., Simancas-Pallares, M., & Carbonell-Muñoz, Z. (2019). Psychometric properties of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire r-spq-2f - spanish version. Duazary, 16(2), 205–218.
Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica


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