Toxicity of the herbicide oxadiazon on Engystomops pustulosus larvae (Cope,1864)

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Natalia Mercedes Molina-Guerrero
Hugo Armando Llanos-Ramos
Germán Blanco-Cervantes


The herbicide oxadiazon is used as weed control in Colombia; however, the application of this substance, like other herbicides, can affect the fauna associated with bodies of water. The objective was to evaluate the lethal, sublethal, morphometric and teratological effects in Engystomops pustulosus larvae exposed to this herbicide in three habitat volumes. Gosner stage 25 larvae were used and exposed for 96 hours to three volumes of habitat (40, 200 and 1000 mL) and three concentrations of the herbicide, with three replicates for each one. The LC50 found for the tadpoles in a volume of 40 ml was 1.46 mg / L and in 1000 ml it was 1.5 mg / L. Regarding the sublethal effects, the abnormalities of prolonged quiet and curved tail were frequent in all volumes (from 27 % to 70 % and from 37 % to 43 %, respectively), even so, the regression analysis did not show a relationship between the volume variation and the appearance of abnormalities (p> 0.05). On the other hand, the body development of the tadpoles is related to the volume (p <0.05), because in larger volumes tadpoles with larger sizes (3.10-3.25 mm, approximately) are observed compared to the deposited in a smaller volume (2.92-2.97 mm, approximately), regardless of the applied concentration. It is concluded that the herbicide Oxadiazon is toxic for volumes of 40 mL and 1000 mL (LC50 1.46 mg / L and 1.5 mg / L) and that there is no statistically significant relationship (p> 0.05) between the volume and the appearance of abnormalities in exposed organisms, but there is a statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) between volume and morphometric development.


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Molina-Guerrero, N. M., Llanos-Ramos , H. A. ., & Blanco-Cervantes, G. (2021). Toxicity of the herbicide oxadiazon on Engystomops pustulosus larvae (Cope,1864). Intropica, 16(1), 8–19. Retrieved from (Original work published April 20, 2021)
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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