Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae) in an urban area of the Colombian Caribbean Coast

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Carlos Sermeño-Correa
Carlos Taboada
Carlos Taboada-Verona


In urban areas small forest fragments can be found; however, little is known about the value of these patches of vegetation for maintaining biodiversity and how they respond to urbanization. Given the scarcity of knowledge of Scarabaeidae family groups in urban areas and the usefulness of these beetles as ecological models, this research determined the richness and structure of dung beetles in an ecological park, located in the city of Sincelejo, Sucre, Colombia. For the study, four days of sampling were carried out, with the installation of baited pitfall traps for the capture of the species. A total of 321 individuals belonging to seven genera and 12 species of the subfamily Scarabaeinae and one species of the subfamily Aphodiinae were captured, showing species exclusive to the tropical dry forest. The most abundant species were Dichotomius agenor and Canthon mutabilis, with 77 and 57 individuals respectively. The analyses showed a higher abundance of the Telecoprids guild, followed by Paracoprids, however, a higher richness of Paracoprids followed by Telecoprids. This research demonstrates the importance of green areas within the urban matrix for the maintenance of species within cities.


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Sermeño-Correa , C., Taboada, C., & Taboada-Verona, C. (2023). Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae) in an urban area of the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Intropica, 183–191. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897864.5154
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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