Birds of Universidad del Magdalena: analysis of diversity and records update

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Diana Tamaris- Turizo
Tatiana L. Hernández-Palma


Birds are a vastly diverse group, particularly in neotropic countries where they perform several important functions supporting the ecosystems.  In order to describe the diversity and attributes of the bird community and update the existing species registry, a census was carried out between October 2017 and December 2018.  Free transects were laid in both, the interior and edge of a dry forest fragment, also in cultivated areas and fishponds on the main campus of the University of Magdalena. Data collection was conducted as follows: each bird species was assigned a category according to its frequency of registration (very common, common, uncommon, rare) as well as its mobility (resident, transitory, migratory). During the census we recorded 1,889 individuals belonging to 87 species and 32 families. The Tyrannidae were the most represented; however, the updated list includes 92 specimens. In general, birds were rare regardless of their mobility category. Twenty migratory species were observed in and around the forest, Setophaga petechia being the most common. The updated list of birdlife includes 12 new bird records that enrich the values of diversity and reflect the changes in this community over 13 years. We conclude that an urban dry forest fragment along with the adjacent elements of the landscape are important for birds shelter, due they contain a variety of resources such as food and resting and reproduction sites which contribute to the support of these populations.


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Tamaris- Turizo, D., & Hernández-Palma, T. L. . (2022). Birds of Universidad del Magdalena: analysis of diversity and records update. Intropica, 17(1), 19–36. Retrieved from
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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