Habitat use and preliminary analysis of the diet of orange chinned parakeet Brotogeris jugularis in a rural landscape of the colombian llanos piedmont

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Paola Hernández Avedaño
Gersón Peñuela-Díaz
Juan E. Carvajal-Cogollo


Most ecological studies on Psittacidae have focused on species with a wide distribution, but there is little information on the natural history and ecological requirements of small species such as those of the genus Brotogeris. The species Brotogeris jugularis (Aves: Psittacidae), faces threats of anthropogenic origin, direct threats such as illegal hunting for trade or pet ownership, and indirect threats such as habitat loss and fragmentation. We evaluated the habitat use and diet of Brotogeris jugularis in a rural landscape of the Piedemonte Llanero, Colombia. We made thirty-five transects, distributed in five coverages: riparian forest, wooded pasture, urban fabric, secondary vegetation and crop mosaic. We recorded a total of 114 individuals in four of the five coverages; 15 in the dry season and 99 in the rainy season. Riparian forest showed 55 individuals, followed by urban fabric with 41, crop mosaic with 15 and wooded pasture with three individuals. The differential habitat use and preference in the sampling units was congruent with the abundance values for each cover, these differences can be attributed to the availability of food resources. The diet of the species showed in a preliminary analysis, as the variety of fruit trees were used selectively (e.g. Mangifera indica). An advance in the autoecological knowledge of Brotogeris jugularis is shown, which shows its generalist condition in the choice of habitats, mediated by an opportunistic selection for those coverages that present greater availability of food resources, whether natural or anthropogenic.


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Hernández Avedaño, P., Peñuela-Díaz , G. ., & Carvajal-Cogollo , J. E. . (2022). Habitat use and preliminary analysis of the diet of orange chinned parakeet Brotogeris jugularis in a rural landscape of the colombian llanos piedmont. Intropica, 17(1), 37–46. Retrieved from https://umapp002.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/intropica/article/view/4071
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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