January-June of 2021 - Vol. 16(1)
January-June of 2021 - Vol. 16(1)

Scientific and Technological Research Article

Natalia Mercedes Molina-Guerrero, Hugo Armando Llanos-Ramos , Germán Blanco-Cervantes
Toxicity of the herbicide oxadiazon on Engystomops pustulosus larvae (Cope,1864)
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Leslie Hernández Fernández
Classification and scoring scale for health status of the coral community of the Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba
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David Julián Roldán-Acero, Juan Rodolfo Omote Sibina, Christopher M. Osorio-Lescano, Andrés A. Molleda-Ordoñez
Development of an extruded product based on cereals and giant squid protein concentrate (Dosidicus gigas)
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Amarus Aurelio Urbina G., Eddy Vladimir Maradiaga-F
Delimitation of potential water recharge zones in the upper hydrographic unit Quebrada Arriba, department of Madriz, Nicaragua
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Humberto Luis Quintana , Jesús Hernández
Abundance and morphometry of chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) associated with breakwaters in Coveñas, Sucre-Colombia
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Marcos Arturo Ferreira-Aguero, Arsenio Benítez-Sánchez, José Augusto Velásquez, Gustavo Daniel Vega-Britez, Nelson David Lesmo-Duarte , Matheus Francisco Acosta-Resquín
Damage caused by green belly bug Dichelops melacanthus to transgenic corn Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
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Eduardo Castañeda Sánchez, Felix Cuello, María Pacheco, Jairo Altamar
Distribution and abundance of the stingray from Magdalena (Potamotrygon magdalenae: Potamotrygonidae) in Zapatosa wetland complex, Colombia
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Alicia González-Solis, Daniel Torruco, Ángel Daniel Torruco-González
Distribution of macroalgae and benthic invertebrates in the reef lagoons of Chinchorro Bank, Quintana Roo, Mexico
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