
Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewer Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted for evaluation must be sent to at least two peer reviewers, these pairs can be national and international and must comply with aspects such as submitting publications related to the study no longer than two years and not having any link or academic and research relationship with the authors. The evaluators have 15 calendar days to perform the evaluation.

The concept of evaluation in the manuscripts for publication in Intropica depends on the analysis that the editors in charge of the editorial committee perform based on the evaluations made by the researchers. Manuscripts can receive the following concepts 1) accepted, 2) publishable with major modifications, 3) publishable with minor modifications 4) rejected for publication.

During the revision of the manuscripts, the evaluators are only in charge of the scientific characteristics of the work, since Intropica is responsible for the adjustments established in the guide for authors of the journal. Intropica cordially requests the evaluators to take into account items such as the originality of the manuscript, significant contributions of the research for the national and international scope, rigor and relationship in all sections of the manuscript.

It is necessary to mention that each evaluator will receive an evaluation form in which they will record their personal information, decision and additional comments for the author and the editor in charge.