Aquatic hyphomycetes from headwaters of the Grande stream, state Miranda, Venezuela

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Rafael Fernandrez Da Silva
Gunta Smits Briedis


In freshwater ecosystems, particularly in lotic systems, such as rivers and streams, are aquatic hyphomycetes, which are anamorphic fungi that degrade allochthonous or indigenous plant material, facilitating the flow of nutrients and energy to higher trophic levels, through which the presence of these fungal microorganisms is ecologically important, since they can be possible bioindicators of environmental quality. This group of fungi is ecologically heterogeneous, being classified into three types: a) Ingoldian, whose spores are mostly hyaline and tetraradiated, develop exclusively in water, b) aero-aquatic, helical in shape, whose development occurs between water and air and c) transitional, with spores generally variable in shape and brown in color, developing both in water and in soil. Therefore, from samples of natural foam and by means of light microscopy, the richness and diversity of species was recorded monthly for a year at the head of the Grande stream, near a water dam for the neighboring community. A total of 73 species were identified, 41 Ingoldian, 4 Aero-aquatic, and 28 transitional, including 22 new reports for the country: three Ingoldian (Tetracladium apiense, Tetracladium breve and Tetracladium furcatum), one Aero-aquatic (Helicodendron intestinale) and eighteen transitional (Acrodictys septosporioides, Acumispora uniseptada, Bactrodesmium fruticosum, Blodgettia indica, Dactylaria acerina, Dactylaria echinophila, Dactylaria humicola, Dactylaria pyricularoides, Endophragmiella pallescens, Fusariella curvata, Fusariella hughesii, Fusarium phragmitis, Mirandina corticola, Sporidesmium acutifusiforme, Sporidesmium casuarinae, Stenella doliiformis,  Stenella ocoteae and Stenella variabilis), of which, the Aero-aquatic and 17 transitionals, except Blodgettia indica, are new reports for neo-tropical America. Aquatic hyphomycetes were found to be very diverse, particularly the Ingoldian and Transitional types, with only a few species in each group dominating widely.


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Fernandrez Da Silva, R., & Smits Briedis, G. . (2023). Aquatic hyphomycetes from headwaters of the Grande stream, state Miranda, Venezuela. Intropica, 142–152.
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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