Selenium use in aquatic organisms. A review

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Jenny Hoya-Flórez
Ana Estrada-Posada
Jonny Andrés Yepes Blandón


The nutrients present in the feed are of vital importance for the biological processes in animals, in this way, the selection of the ingredients that make up the diet are essential to determine the appropriate inclusion. These nutrients are divided into two groups: macronutrients that are required in high quantities and provide most of the energy needed by an organism, among which are proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, and micronutrients required in smaller quantities, used for tissue regeneration and regulation of body processes, such as vitamins and minerals. The latter guarantee a good development of the physiological functions of the organisms and are necessary for the metabolism, generating a strengthening of the immune system and prevention of diseases. Among the minerals of particular interest in aquaculture is selenium (Se), a trace mineral found in the form of inorganic compounds such as selenite and selenate, or organic compounds in the form of seleno-amino acids such as seleno-cysteine and seleno-methionine. The biological importance of selenium lies in its incorporation into molecules called selenoproteins, which have different functions such as homeostasis of organisms (thioredoxin and glutathione), in the metabolism of thyroid hormones (thyronine deyodinase), sperm maturation and antioxidants (glutathione peroxidase), muscle functions (selenoprotein N), among others. Of the different selenoproteins that exist, most of them are conserved in fish. In aquaculture systems, their incorporation in the diet has been implemented, with optimal results in zootechnical parameters, immunological strengthening, and gene expression. This review shows the importance of Se in fish, highlighting studies that evaluate the effects of supplementing diets with Se for feeding aquatic animals in captivity and the need to determine species-specific requirements.


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Hoya-Flórez, J. ., Estrada-Posada , A., & Yepes Blandón, J. A. (2022). Selenium use in aquatic organisms. A review. Intropica, 17(1), 97–113. Retrieved from
Review article


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