Distribution and abundance of the stingray from Magdalena (Potamotrygon magdalenae: Potamotrygonidae) in Zapatosa wetland complex, Colombia

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Eduardo Castañeda Sánchez
Felix Cuello
María Pacheco
Jairo Altamar


The Stingray from Magdalena (Potamotrygon magdalenae) is not a target species of the Magdalena basin fisheries. It is usually discarded alive, but not before having broken its tail thorn or stinger, for which it does not appear frequently in artisanal landings of inland fisheries of the Magdalena basin, and consequently the impact on its populations is unknown. This study determined the spatial distribution of abundance and sizes of P. magdalenae in the Zapatosa swamp complex (CCZ, by its acronym in Spanish). From a system of 96 grids (4 km2 each) a total of 25 were randomly chosen, which were sampled in their geographic center using gillnets. It is worth mentioning that the adjacent grids were not sampled and, furthermore, at least one sampling grid was assigned to each apparently independent bodies of water. To determine the spatial distribution of the abundance and size of the species, ArcGIS was used as a geographic information system, using the hotspot technique. The calculation of the catch per unit effort (CPUE) was standardized in kg/set. The results indicate that the highest relative abundance were found in the northern and central sectors of the CCZ and the lowest in the southern sector. Similarly, the largest sizes were recorded in the northern and eastern grids and the smallest in the southern ones. Another result of the present study is a map of the spatial distribution of P. Magdalenae in the CCZ, which constitutes a basic input for the design of management measures of a species that, although today it is not a target resource from a fisheries point of view, it plays an important role in the food web of the CCZ.


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Castañeda Sánchez, E., Cuello, F. ., Pacheco, M., & Altamar, J. (2021). Distribution and abundance of the stingray from Magdalena (Potamotrygon magdalenae: Potamotrygonidae) in Zapatosa wetland complex, Colombia. Intropica, 16(1), 72–82. Retrieved from https://umapp002.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/intropica/article/view/3857 (Original work published May 27, 2021)
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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