Abundance and morphometry of chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) associated with breakwaters in Coveñas, Sucre-Colombia

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Humberto Luis Quintana
Jesús Hernández


Chitons are a group of mollusks that are very common in the sea off the Colombian Caribbean coast. However, studies regarding these organisms and the monitoring of their populations are scarce, so the objective of the research was to determine the abundance of the chiton population and its morphometry in the municipality of Coveñas, Sucre. Monthly samplings were carried out between March and August 2015. With the help of a 1 m2 quadrant, the individuals present in the semi-submerged area of the breakwaters were counted. Additionally, chitons were collected to measure morphometric characteristics: length, width, and weight. Three species were identified: Acanthopleura granulata, Chiton tuberculatus and C. marmoratus. In total, 2529 individuals (10,62 indv/m2) were counted, the most abundant species was A. granulata, with 1758 (7,32 indv/m2) individuals, while the least abundant was C. marmoratus with 45 individuals (3,02 indv/m2). The month with the highest abundance was June with 12,45 indv/m2, while August had the lowest abundance with 8,80 indv/m2. No significant differences were found between the species according to the morphometric variables evaluated. The weights obtained are the first for these species in Colombia. The chiton population evaluated in Coveñas seems to be in good condition, due to the maintenance of its abundance compared to previous studies in the area. The temporal pattern coincides with that found in other areas of the Caribbean.


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Quintana , H. L., & Hernández , J. . (2021). Abundance and morphometry of chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) associated with breakwaters in Coveñas, Sucre-Colombia. Intropica, 16(1), 55–65. Retrieved from https://umapp002.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/intropica/article/view/3788 (Original work published May 9, 2021)
Scientific and Technological Research Article


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