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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Intropica is a scientific journal published every six months, mediated by national and international evaluators that provide a space for the publication of original and unpublished contributions that study and interpret in an integrated way the tropical ecosystems as well as the derived environmental problems result of the anthropogenic intervention on the territory.

Intropica magazine is available in a digital version with free access ( and in the printed version (ISSN 1794-161X), which is distributed in specialized libraries of academic, governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Intropica is indexed and referenced in: ASFA, Dialnet, REDIB, MIAR, Periódica, Latindex, CiteFactor, Ulrischweb, Actualidad Iberoamericana, ERIHPLUS, OAJI, BASE, INFOBASE, SHERPA/RoMEO y  C.RI.C.

Version 01-2018


Manuscripts can enter the editorial process through the Open Journal System platform of the Journal ( or through the email The reception of manuscripts is permanent. In the shipment, the figures must be attached in separate files and a letter of approval from all the authors, certifying their originality and that has not been sent or published in another journal. The letter should also indicate the type of contribution (article, review article, article of reflection or scientific note) and two possible evaluators with their respective contact information. Although all contributions will be subject to prior review, the responsibility for the content of the contributions rests with the authors and not with the editor, the editorial committee or the Universidad del Magdalena. The format for preparing this referral letter can be downloaded from the Journal's website.

Types of contributions:

Scientific and technological research article.

They correspond to complete results of studies conducted on the topics addressed by the journal. The manuscripts will have a maximum of 30 pages, including tables and figures. The research article should follow the next order: Title, Author (s), Postal address of the author (s), Abstract in Spanish, Keywords in Spanish, Abstract in English, Keywords in English, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), Acknowledgments (optional), References, Table (s) with their corresponding legend (s), List of legends of the figures. The figures must be sent in separate files in graphic format (tif, gif, eps).

Review article. They refer to critical review works that compile and adequately summarize the degree of progress or knowledge and indicate lines of research to follow. The manuscript will be 40 pages maximum length, including tables and figures. They must contain at least 50 bibliographical references. The review article can be written in freestyle, however it should include Summary, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgments (optional) and References.

Reflection article. Presents the perspective of the author, based on scientific literature, as a contribution to knowledge of the issues of the journal. The manuscripts will have a maximum of 30 pages, including tables and figures. It should include Summary, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgments (optional) and References.

Scientific note. They are brief descriptions of limited investigations, experimental procedures, technical or applied operations. In any case, they have to be fully documented, with reference to the literature, and indicating the experimental procedures employed. The manuscript can occupy a maximum of 10 pages, including tables and figures. The Scientific Note should not have subtitles but should include Summary, Keywords, Abstract and Keywords, Acknowledgments (optional) and References.

Procedure for evaluation / arbitration of manuscripts

The editors will make a first evaluation of the manuscript, conceptualizing the pertinence and suitability of it and submit it to the double-blind arbitration process of at least two national specialists (preferably outside the publishing institution) or international, on the subject. In the event of a controversy between the evaluators, a third party will be called. These specialists will act as reviewers of the manuscript, issue their concept and may make recommendations or request clarifications within a maximum period of one month. Subsequently, the suggestions of the editors and reviewers will be communicated to the authors, who will have a period of one month to respond to these suggestions. Otherwise, the manuscript will be discarded and, once it has been remitted, the editorial process will start from the beginning with a new arbitration. The editors will make the final decision to accept or not the manuscripts for publication. For these tasks, the editors can rely on the editorial committee, when they deem it appropriate.

Prior to the final printing of the manuscripts accepted for publication, the editors will send the galley proofs to the corresponding author so that he makes corrections for typing errors only. No major changes or additions are allowed to the manuscript edited in this phase. In case of plagiarism or copyright violation, the editors will order the cancellation of the editorial process. For more information, consult the guide of ethics and good editorial practices:

Manuscript format:

The text should be sent as a Word or RTF document with a short name that identifies the manuscript and the first author (e.g., Hifomicetos_López.doc). The text must be double-spaced, and the lines numbered throughout the text (including tables), with Times New Roma, 12-points font size and with all margins of 2 cm. Manuscripts are accepted in Spanish or English. The pages must be numbered consecutively. The tables will be included in a table format (do not paste them as an image) at the end of the text of the manuscript. The figures should not be included in the manuscript document.

Scientific names and Latin locutions will use italics. Do not include underlined words or indentations. In the case of citing a taxon of a specific or lower level, its scientific name including the author must be quoted. Both the authors and the editors will be guided by the rules that govern the biological nomenclature, according to what is agreed in the "International Code of Botanical Nomenclature," in the "International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria" and in the "International Code of Zoological Nomenclature." It is emphasized that the author of the name and year of publication of each taxon should only appear once, the first time it is mentioned.

  1.  Title. Clear, descriptive and not too long. It is requested in Spanish and English. The title of the work and the titles of the main sections of the manuscript should be placed in a center-aligned text and capital letters; the titles of the second rank must be located in a center-aligned position in lowercase and those of the third rank aligned to the left. All titles and subtitles should be set in boldface. Additionally, an abbreviated title of maximum 80 characters including spaces must be provided.
  2.  Name (s) of the Author (s). The names must be written in uppercase and lowercase. In the case of several authors, the first name must be that of the primary author.
  3.  Address of the author (s). The institution to which they belong, address and telephone number of all authors must be noted. The email must be added for correspondence.
  4.  Summary and Abstract. A summary should be written in Spanish and another in English. In both cases, it should not exceed 300 words. The summary must synthetically contain the objectives of the work, a concise description of the experimental part (including the sample sizes), main results and conclusions generated in the process of discussing them. In the abstract, bibliographic references should not be included and should be written in a single paragraph. The Abstract must be an accurate translation of the Summary.
  5.  Keywords and Keywords. After the Summary and the Abstract, 3 to 6 keywords that identify the manuscript should be included in Spanish and English, respectively.
  6.  Introduction. An up-to-date review of the bibliography pertinent to the work (adequately referenced sources) should be presented, to substantiate the working hypothesis and show the proposed objectives.
  7.  Materials and Methods. It should include, in a clear and conciseway, the primary materials, as well as the methods applied, so that, with this information, another researcher could repeat the experience. Different sections can be used with appropriate subtitles. A process should not be described if it is already described in the literature; it is enough to present the bibliographical citation. If you use a modified method, the modification must be indicated.
  8.  Results. The results must be presented clearly and accurately, including tables, figures and, if necessary, statistical analysis.
  9. Discussion. The results must be contrasted with the knowledge registered in the literature, highlighting the contribution of the article for the understanding of the treated topic. The conclusions drawn from the work must be consistent and related to the results presented.
  10.  Acknowledgments. If deemed necessary by the authors, some gratitude may be included for financial contributions, consultancies, donations or any other type of collaboration that made the work possible.
  11.  References. The complete information of all the bibliographical references must be listed, which will be ordered alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each citation of the document. The accuracy of the bibliographic references is the responsibility of the authors. Intropica uses the Harvard citation system. It is necessary to take into account the following writing style:
  • The manuscript should be carefully reviewed to verify that the spelling of the names of the authors and the year are the same in the text and the list of references.
  • The text should refer to the last name (s) of the author (s) and the year of publication. For example, "Rodríguez (1998) found that .....". "A multinomial technique has been described to estimate the variance associated with proportions

(Kent and Lane, 2004) ".

  • When the text cites, publications written by more than two authors, the name of the first author will be followed by "et al." Without italics. In the Bibliography, the names of all the authors should be mentioned.
  • If there are several works of an author (s) in the same year, they will be cited with a letter in sequence attached to the year (example: García et al., 1998a, b, c).
  • Citations in the same sentence of the text should be ordered chronologically. For example, "Biological indicators are widely used for environmental analyzes (Platt, 1964, Arias and Pérez, 1980, Klimm et al., 2000)".
  • The name of the scientific journals must be complete, not abbreviated and in italics.
  • The title of the references must retain the original language.
  • References concerning unpublished data (doc ined.) And "personal communications" (pers. Com.) Should not be included in the list of references but can be cited in the text.

Use the following format in the Bibliography to cite references:

  • Periodicals or journals:

Pérez, R., Condit, R., Aguilar, S., Hernández, A. and Villareal, A. 1996. Inventario de la vegetación de la isla de Coiba, Panamá: Composición Florística. Revista de Biología Tropical 44: 31-40.

Cubides-Guerrero, P.A., and Ramírez-Franco, J.H. 2014. Adsorción de Cr VI sobre residuos de café. Revista Mutis 4(2): 18-25   Consulted: January 2, 2015

  • Books:

Longhurst, A. and Pauly, D. 1987. Ecology of tropical oceans. Academic Press, San Diego.

  • Chapters of the book:

Bucker, D. 1989. Histology. In: Austri, D., Editor. Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Fish and Shellfish. Wiley, New York.

  • Thesis:

Gil, A. 2000. . Evolución bioquímica de los endosimbiontes en insectos asociados con el maíz en el sur de México. Doctoral Thesis, Agricultural University, Mérida, Yucatán, México.

  • Websites:

Alexander, J. and M.A. Tate 2001. Evaluando las Fuentes Electrónicas.  Widener University._URL: _http: // webevaluation / webeval.htm. Consulted: October 9, 2012.

  1.  Tables
  • They must be produced in an MS Word or MS Excel table processor with the same font and the font size one point less than the text. Do not use the space bar or the tab key.
  • The tables should be numbered and cited according to their sequence in the text, in correlative order with Arabic numerals and they will have a clear and brief legend in the upper part, which will be the reference of the table. It is recommended that the inscription be clear and informative, to avoid consulting the text to understand the table.
  • Tables can be inserted in the body of the manuscript or at the end of it.
  • The information presented in the tables should not appear repeated in the figures.
  • The headings of the columns should be brief, but explanatory. Set boldface only in headings (horizontal and vertical). The standard abbreviations of the units of measure should be placed in parentheses.
  • Vertical and horizontal lines should not be used to separate the columns and rows. The cells will not carry colors.
  • Any additional explanation for the understanding of the table should be provided as a footnote.
  • In the body of the table, the text information should be aligned on the left and the numerical information on the right.
  1. List of the captions of the figures
  • At the end of the text of the document and on a separate sheet a list will be made with the text of the captions of the figures.
  • Boldfaces should not be used, and both lowercase and uppercase letters will be accented.
  • It is recommended that the legends be informative so that the reader does not need to consult the text to understand what the figure shows.
  • It is recommended that the explanations or descriptions considered necessary be written in the same legend to avoid text within the figures.
  1.  Figures
  • The figures (drawings, maps, sheets, diagrams, computer graphics, and photographs) must be sent in independent files, in high-quality digital graphics format (tiff, bmp, jpg or gif), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If possible, it is recommended to send original graphics files of vector type or, failing that, send the original editable file in MS Excel.
  • The name of the file corresponding to the figure will be that of the first author followed by the number of the figure, e.g., López fig.1.jpg.
  • The figures will be listed sequentially, using Arabic numerals.
  • Figures should be designed taking into account the format of the page of the journal. Its original size should allow a 50% reduction, without loss of clarity.
  • The figures composed of several images will be listed consecutively, e.g., Figure 1a, 1b, 1c, etc. The drawings, photographs of specimens and maps must have a scale to reference the size.
  • The graphics must be presented in a single plane (Do not use 3D effects), without horizontal lines and with a box on the outside.
  • Use the same type of font (Times New Roman) in all illustrations and follow the style of the magazine. Use the font size you consider necessary to ensure the reading of the text, even in case of reduction.
  1.  Annexes
  • The annexes will only be visible in the digital version of the journals, and they will be listed at the end of the manuscript sequentially (numbered as ANNEX I, ANNEX II, etc.). The format of the annexes must follow the same guidelines described above for the figures and tables, as the case may be.
  1.  Units

The measurements must be expressed in units of the metric system; space is left between the number and the unit of measurement and should not go after the abbreviation (15 m, 10%, 20 ° C, 7 kg). The units of abbreviated measures should only be used when numbers precedes them. Salinity values ​​must be expressed without units or symbols.

  1.  Formulas
  • Mathematical equations should be written as editable text and not as images.
  • Give the meaning of all the symbols immediately after the equation in which they are used for the first time.
  • For simple fractions use the "/" symbol instead of the horizontal line; For example:instead of
  • The equations explicitly referenced in the text must be numbered consecutively on the right side, in parentheses.
  • The level of statistical significance must be indicated with the letter "p" lowercase and no space between the sign and the value of significance. Example: p <0.05.
  1.  Decimal figures

Regarding the decimal figures, comma (,) should be used in the case of contributions written in Spanish and period (.) in those written in English.

Shipping preparation checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to indicate that their submission meets all of the following elements:

  1. The manuscript has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal.
  2. The file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  3. The text has double line spacing; the font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining, and all the tables are at the end of the text. The figures are in separate files in the appropriate formats.
  4. The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the instructions for the authors, which can be found in About the journal. (See:
  5. Web addresses have been added for references where it has been possible


Intropica of the University of Magdalena is under the Creative Commons 4.0 license of Colombia: Recognition-Non-Commercial-Share Equal. When the author cites the work of another or reproduces a figure or a table of a book or a journal article, you must ensure that you are not violating production rights.

Although in general, an author can reproduce tables, photographs or other illustrations, he must obtain permission from the owner of the rights. If the owner of the rights is not the author of the cited or reproduced material, it is also recommended to obtain the  permission of the author. Material extracted from unpublished letters and manuscripts will not be accepted unless the corresponding consent is obtained. The author must always make an appropriate acknowledgment of any material that is supplied to him.

 Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.




Document written by the editor, an editorial board member or a guest researcher in the thematic domain guidelines of the journal. Corresponds to a short document with few references. 

Scientific and Technological Research Article

Corresponds to full results from studies on the topics addressed by the journal. Manuscripts should have a maximum of 30 pages, including tables and figures. The research paper should follow the following order: Title, Author (s), mailing address, Abstract and Keywords both in spanish and english, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), Acknowledgements (optional), References, table( s) with relevant legend (s ), list of figures legend. Figures should be submitted in separate files in a graphical format (tif, gif, eps).

Review article

Refers to critical summaries of recent insights in specific research areas within the scope of Intropica, that provide systematic and substantial coverage of subjects, and point out research lines to follow. The maximum length of the manuscript is 40 pages, including tables and figures. They must contain at least 50 references. Review articles can be written in a free style, however they should include summary, keywords, abstract, acknowledgements (optional), and references.

Reflection article

It presents the author’s perspective, based on scientific literature, as a contribution to the knowledge on topics published by the journal. Manuscripts must have a maximum of 30pages, including tables and figures. It must include Abstract and Key words in spanish and in english, Acknowledgements (optional), and References

Scientific note

Includes brief descriptions of limited research, experimental procedures, and technical or applied  operations. In any case, they must be fully documented with reference to the literature, and indicating the experimental procedures used. This type of manuscript should have a maximum of 10 pages, including tables and figures. The Scientific Note should not have subtitles, but must include Summary and Keywords both in Spanish and english, Acknowledgements (optional), and References

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or used by another person.