
About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Intropica is an open access scientific journal, peer-reviewed. The journal has as purpose, the diffusion of the original and unpublished scientific research that includes Natural and Environmental science, as well as disciplines such as Biology, Fishing, Agronomy, Ethnobiology, Economics of natural resources, Ecology and other related disciplines. In this way, Intropica provides a publishing space that promotes the integrated study and interpretation of the natural ecosystems, including the environmental problems and the anthropogenic intervention of them.


Intropica provides a space for the publication of contributions to study and interpret in an integrated manner tropical ecosystems and environmental problems derived from anthropogenic intervention on the territory.

Peer Review Process

The editorial board will make a first evaluation of the manuscript, conceptualizing its relevance and adequacy and it will be submitted for evaluation by at least two specialists in the field (double-blind review process). In case of controversy between the evaluators, a third peer will be resorted. These specialists will act as reviewers of the manuscript, they may make recommendations or request clarification and will have a maximum of one month to issue a concept on the manuscript. Subsequently, the suggestions of the editors and reviewers will be communicated to the authors, who have a one month to respond the suggestions. After that deadline, they will be treated as newly submitted manuscripts. The editors will decide whether to accept the manuscript for publication or not.  The editors can be supported by the editorial advisory committee, when considered pertinent.

Prior to the final printing of manuscripts accepted for publication, the editors will send to the corresponding author (principal author) so that they perform the revision of galley proof, in order to make corrections for typing errors only. Major changes or additions to the edited manuscript are not allowed.

In case plagiarism is proved or the copyright violation, publishers will order the cancellation of the editorial process. 

For further information refer to the editorial best practice guidelines (

Reviewer Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted for evaluation must be sent to at least two peer reviewers, these pairs can be national and international and must comply with aspects such as submitting publications related to the study no longer than two years and not having any link or academic and research relationship with the authors. The evaluators have 15 calendar days to perform the evaluation.

The concept of evaluation in the manuscripts for publication in Intropica depends on the analysis that the editors in charge of the editorial committee perform based on the evaluations made by the researchers. Manuscripts can receive the following concepts 1) accepted, 2) publishable with major modifications, 3) publishable with minor modifications 4) rejected for publication.

During the revision of the manuscripts, the evaluators are only in charge of the scientific characteristics of the work, since Intropica is responsible for the adjustments established in the guide for authors of the journal. Intropica cordially requests the evaluators to take into account items such as the originality of the manuscript, significant contributions of the research for the national and international scope, rigor and relationship in all sections of the manuscript.

It is necessary to mention that each evaluator will receive an evaluation form in which they will record their personal information, decision and additional comments for the author and the editor in charge.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content on the principle of giving the public free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The editorial process (submission and processing) does not have any kind of costs for authors. 


The Intropica Journal use of the LOCKSS system to create a file distributed among participating libraries. In this way libraries may create permanent files of the Journal for preservation and restoration purposes.


The journal is freely accessible and has no associated costs per publication.


As part of its policy of respect for copyright, the editorial team of Intropica Journal applies Turnitin software as a first and last filter to detect plagiarism of the manuscripts that are submitted and approved in the journal.


 Intropica Journal is recognized by Publindex and referenced in the bibliographic databases:

Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts






Zoological Record

Agricultural & Environmental Science Database

Biological Abstract

BIOSIS Previews


Journal Tittle


Print ISSN 


Online ISSN 



Volumen 1/2004 - Volumen 17 (2) /2022


Editorial Unimagdalena