Implications of the assignment of publicity rights as a salary factor in Colombian professional athletes
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assignment image rights
decent work
professional athletes
Social Security

How to Cite

Pinto Puerto, J. F., & Molina del Gallego, L. C. (2023). Implications of the assignment of publicity rights as a salary factor in Colombian professional athletes. Saberes Jurídicos, 2(2), 50–59. Retrieved from


Professional athletes are public figures who sign assignments of publicity rights with their sports club, which in concurrence with the employment contract becomes a common method of agreeing on large amounts of money, this method presents an alarming background since, although payments are made to the professional athlete, they are not in accordance with the reality of the contract. As a result, employers do not comply with the due contribution to the Social Security System of the professional athletes who, when suffering an injury, accident or, at the end of their short career, are left in vulnerable conditions, preventing them from developing a dignified life with respect to his profession. That is the way the purpose of this research is to demonstrate the implications of the assignment of advertising rights as a salary factor in the Social Security System of Colombian professional athletes, analyzing different sources of information, using an inductive method and the character of socio-legal research that proposes some solutions to the present problem; evidencing that suitable and innovative mechanisms should be designed to allow these professionals to access benefits of the Integral Social Security System.
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