The institutionalization of law from the point of view of hermeneutics
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Critical interpretation
Inferential interpretation
Literal interpretation

How to Cite

Calderón-Barreto, E. A., & Aguirre-Arrieta, T. A. (2022). The institutionalization of law from the point of view of hermeneutics. Saberes Jurídicos, 2(1), 9–30. Retrieved from


From the hermeneutic, interpretive and philosophical point of view, it is evident that the law has evolved in such a way that it has generated social changes, impacting the foundations of history, philosophy and literature throughout different millennia and during different periods of history. humanity. Thus, judicial institutions have been set up and the reductionist approaches to which the discipline had been led for many years have been abandoned. Now, the institutionalization of the law is a coordinated and articulated work, where the judges take fundamental roles and must necessarily make an interpretation. In this way, it is observed, as a result of various transformations in the concepts of the discipline, a series of institutions and social classes that allow regulating today's society and keeping it in harmony. Such is the case of religion, politics, work, morals, ethics, prison, marriage, school, birth, death and university. Many politicians, philosophers, jurists and criminologists have argued about the genesis of these legal institutions that are important for the development and functioning of humanity. Now, although it is true that the history of human beings has not been exempt from abuses in relation to respect for and guarantees of their fundamental rights, to the point that at a certain moment it was a crime to mention them, it has also been verified how law, morality and ethics have been modified recognizing the importance of preserving not only legal institutions, but all those that were established at the time as real factors of power. It is clear that social transformations are required for the benefit of people, who innovate more every day and seek greater knowledge and development. To that extent, institutions stand out as a fairly broad and interesting concept in the development of research in law, philosophy and sociology, among other sister sciences, because they are the ones that regulate human behavior in society.
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