The supply contract, concept, characteristics and obligations: a comparison between Colombia and Argentina
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How to Cite

Correa-Fernández, M. de J. (2021). The supply contract, concept, characteristics and obligations: a comparison between Colombia and Argentina. Saberes Jurídicos, 1(1), 48–52. Retrieved from


The supply contract is one of a commercial nature in which one party undertakes to supply to another certain type of periodic benefits that may be goods or services, and in turn that which receives the object of the contract is obliged to pay a consideration. The supply contract is a contractual typology of much use among those who maintain commercial relationships, its importance lies in the need to be certain about the origin of a particular good or service and the timeliness with which it will be received by the supplier. It is a figure used in Colombia in the relationships that have arisen among individuals, likewise, it can be observed that in Argentina this type of contracts are from the daily life and contribute to security and constancy in the provision of services in companies and the people engaged in commercial activities.
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