Legal regulation of the standardization of transgenic foods: an interdisciplinary legal vision
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Transgenic food
Genetic engineering
Food safety

How to Cite

Bocanegra-Jiménez, M. A., Alemán-De Ávila, D., Roca-Gómez, A., & Sierra-Valle, A. (2021). Legal regulation of the standardization of transgenic foods: an interdisciplinary legal vision. Saberes Jurídicos, 1(1), 33–47. Retrieved from


Genetically modified foods were created through genetic engineering, which is nothing more than a set of techniques and strategies that allow to obtain, experimentally within the laboratory, new combinations of hereditary material impossible to find in nature. In short, it allows genetic manipulation at will. Over time these practices have been growing and gaining strength in the market; this has led the consumer to question whether these foods are safe for their health, and that’s why clear rules should be established for the use of this new technology, as well as a balance on its implementation, mediating between the environment, the human being and technological development, taking into account that law must ensure that men live harmoniously in all aspects of their lives.
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