The human rights of the elderly
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Human Rights
Senior Citizens
Constitutional Rule of Law.

How to Cite

Pabón Arrieta, J. ., & Torres Arguelles, P. (2021). The human rights of the elderly. Saberes Jurídicos, 1(1), 3–11. Retrieved from


The elderly, as subjects of law, are treated in a reinforced manner in the legal culture of human rights. As members of a vulnerable group, they are entitled to a set of human rights under International Human Rights Law, derived from their particular situation in social life, given the aging process that we all suffer as human beings. This reinforced treatment to the rights of the elderly by the International Law of Human Rights, binds the Constitutional States of Law, their authorities and the private sector, all to guarantee that human life is dignified and free in all stages of existence. On the other hand, constitutional democracy, like that of our States of Law, obliges democracy to be realized through the promotion, enjoyment, protection and guarantee of the human rights of the elderly.  
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